Minecraft Mods

[Forge] [1.19.2 More Ores in ONE - Community Mod! (Adds Ores in the Overworld, Nether & End!)

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TheLuigiplayer's Avatar TheLuigiplayer
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist

More Ores In ONE adds new Tools & Armors from new Ores, found in the Overworld, Nether & End.

As this is a Community Mod, we want to hear your ideas for more or existing ores and will give our best to implement your ideas!
You can post Suggestions & Bug Reports in the Comments or on GitHub!

This Mod is basically an Add-On for Super Tools, but can also be used on it's own!

New Ores:

  • Ruby - The Red Emerald
  • Sapphire - The Blue Emerald
  • Topaz - The Nether Diamond
  • Cryorite - The Frozen Crystal
  • Amethyst - The Last Jewel
  • Experience Ores

Descriptions of the new Ores:
  • Ruby Ore:
      -Generates in hot Biomes. (In Deserts, Mesas and other Biomes with a Temperature above 1.0*)
      -Can be found between layers 0 and 16 (Like diamond)
      -Has a max vein size of 8.
      -Can be mined with Iron Tools (Mining Level 2) and better.
  • Sapphire Ore:
      -Generates in cold Biomes. (In Taigas, Oceans and other Biomes with a Temperature below 0.2*)
      -Can be found between layers 0 and 16 (Like diamond).
      -Has a max vein size of 8.
      -Can be mined with Iron Tools (Mining Level 2) and better.
  • Topaz Ore:
      -Generates in the Nether.
      -Can be found between layers 0 and 128.
      -Has a max vein size of 4.
      -Can be mined with Diamond Tools (Mining Level 3) and better.
  • Amethyst Ore:
      -Generates in the End.
      -Is basically THE Endgame Ore.
      -Can be found between layers 0 and 128.
      -Can be mined with Topaz Tools (Mining Level 4) and better.
  • Cryorite Ore:
      -Generates within blue ice & packed ice blocks (e.g. in the Ice Spike biome or frozen ocean).
      -Has a max vein size of 4.
      -Can be mined with Iron Tools (Mining Level 2) and better.
  • Experience Ore:
      -Generates in the Overworld, Nether & End between layers 0 and 128. (Default are max. 5 per chunk)
      -Can be mined with Mining Level 1 (Stone) and better.
      -When mined, they will either give you a small amount of Experience or a huge amount (50:50).
      -The amount can be increased through the fortune enchantment.
      -End XP Ore's amount of XP > Nether XP Ore's amount > Overworld XP Ore's amount.

*View https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Biome for a better enumeration of hot & cold biomes. Rubies & Sapphires will also generate in Biomes from other Mods, as long as they have the right temperatures!

Descriptions of the new tools:
  • Ruby and Sapphire Tools are almost the same as diamond, but they are a bit faster, do more damage and have a bit more durability. They can be repaired with Rubies/Sapphire's.
  • Topaz Tools have a mining level 4, which is one above diamonds, they have 1800 durability, are a tiny bit faster than Ruby/Sapphire Tools, do a bit more damage and got slightly better enchantability. Can be repaired with Topaz.
  • Amethyst Tools also have a mining level of 4, got a durabilty of 2000 and even faster than Topaz Tools, also do a bit more damage than Topaz Tools and also got a slightly better enchantability than Topaz Tools. Can be repaired with Amethysts.
  • Cryorite Tools have a durability of 400, are a bit faster than iron tools and are mining level 2.
  • Also, we've added Sickle Variants for Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Amethyst & Cryorite which are identical to the Sickles introduced in Super Tools.

Descriptions of the new armor sets:
  • Ruby,Sapphire, Topaz and Amethyst Armor give you full Armor points.
  • A full Topaz Armor set will give you Fire Resistance.
  • Cryorite Armor gives you 9.5 protection points.
  • A full Amethyst Armor set will also give you Fire Resistance and Resistance.

    Descriptions of the new horse armor:
    • Sapphire & Ruby horse armor will give the same protection as diamond horse armor (11 protection points)
    • Topaz horse armor will give 13 protection points
    • Amethyst horse armor will give 18 protection points
    • Every new horse armor can be crafted with a diamond horse armor and one of the new materials together. For example: For the topaz horse armor, just craft the diamond horse armor together with a topaz

              We hope that you will enjoy More Ores in ONE! We will keep working on this mod and we will always keep it up to date!

              -TheLuigiplayer & KiritoGames20

              How to install:
              1. Choose the run command in the system menu and type in %appdata%
              2. Open the .minecraft folder
              3. Go to the mods subfolder (Create one, if you don't have it)
              4. Put the downloaded More Ores in ONE file into the mods folder
              (Requires Forge 37.0.31 or higher!)

              • You are allowed to use this Mod in a Modpack and configure it as you like.
              • You are allowed to add Support for More Ores in ONE in your own Mod or Ressource Pack.
              • You are allowed to post Screenshots/Videos showcasing this Mod.
              • You may repost/rehost this mod, but when you do, the download and credits have to refer to the Curseforge page and it's initial creators. (TheLuigiplayer & KiritoGames20)
              • You may use the source code to play around with it and use it privatly with your friends however you aren't allowed to publish your changed version.

                Supported Languages:

                Supported Languages
                English US - by KiritoGames20
                German DE - by KiritoGames20
                French FR - by MrEzral
                Spanish ES - by mauriciolanda4
                Russian RU - by RushanM
                Brazilian BR - by louiswdg
                Polish PL - by torteLxd
                Chinese ZH - by Aikini

                If your language isn't supported already, but you would like to support us, you can submit official translations for your language on GitHub! We will give you credit aswell.
                1. Make a GitHub Account if you don't have one already
                2. Go here: https://github.com/TheKiritoPlayer20/MoreOresInONE/issues and click on "New Issue"
                3. Click at "Translation" on "Get Started"
                4. Now you can replace the original, english names with your translation

                CreditTextures: TheLuigiplayer | Code: KiritoGames20 (KG20)
                Progress100% complete
                Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.2

                15 Update Logs

                (More Ores in ONE 1.0) 1.19.2 Update : by TheLuigiplayer 08/18/2023 9:44:38 amAug 18th, 2023

                • Initial 1.19.2 release
                LOAD MORE LOGS

                Create an account or sign in to comment.

                06/16/2021 11:10 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                Aarav_8178's Avatar
                op mod
                Gold Nugget
                04/28/2021 1:20 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                Gold Nugget's Avatar
                Just to avoid the textures being repetitive, I think you should've used different ore textures, but uh, it's amazing otherwise! I like the play-on-words of ONE with Overworld Nether and End.

                I like the texture for Topaz.
                01/17/2021 5:02 pm
                Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
                thebandgeek2110's Avatar
                hey im struggling with the install..
                01/17/2021 5:47 pm
                Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
                thebandgeek2110's Avatar
                nevermind i figured it out
                01/14/2021 7:16 pm
                Level 1 : New Miner
                PixelartBuilder583's Avatar
                Hi, I have found a bug within the latest mod update that does not allow cryorite to generate, not even in Ice Spikes biomes or even Frozen Ocean biomes and other biomes that have ice. I tried looking underground to see if they generated there, no luck. I also tried looking above ground for said cryorite, no luck from there either. I then tried to use the Advanced X-ray mod to see if they could generate within a world, and I found nothing of the kind. Did the installation of this mod from CurseForge go wrong, or is it a bug within the code?
                01/15/2021 3:08 pm
                Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist
                TheLuigiplayer's Avatar
                There indeed seems to be a bug, which prevents cryorite from spawning correctly and even if it would, it would only replace blue ice blocks, which themselves are already pretty rare.

                We will correct this as soon as possible, thanks for letting us know! :)
                12/24/2020 2:52 pm
                Level 17 : Journeyman Modder
                Frostiocean's Avatar
                love the textures
                12/24/2020 3:00 pm
                Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist
                TheLuigiplayer's Avatar
                Thank you! :)
                10/04/2020 2:40 pm
                Level 1 : New Explorer
                Pbcomproblox's Avatar
                its giveing me a error in forge
                10/05/2020 2:04 am
                Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist
                TheLuigiplayer's Avatar
                Which forge version are you using?
