Minecraft Mods

Hoppy Cards

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Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter Farmer

Welcome to Hoppy Cards!

!!This is a NeoForge mod!!

This mod has lots of different cards that you can collect.

Trade with a Wandering Trader to get a card pack!

You can use the cards you collect to play against other players or friends.

Every card has different HP, Attacks, Ability, and more!

There are 2 series that you can find in the world.

Craftable cardpacks Series - Minecraft, Randos, and Halloween

So come start your card collecting journey here :D!

If you want a card in the mod then please suggest it in the discord server :).

Progress15% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.1

7 Update Logs

Snowy Fun (Hoppy Cards v0.0.8) : by RedHP 12/07/2024 11:22:11 amDec 7th

New Arctic Fox, Snowman, Polerbear, and Stary cards

Card types - snowy, grounder, and swampy;

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