Minecraft Mods

[1.5.2] HumanMobs & Talker. The HumanMOBS and MobTalker crossover!! UPDATED: Items, Achievements and BugFixes!!

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banchouforte's Avatar banchouforte
Level 76 : Legendary Skinner

  • Added Achievements that you get for getting:
  • New Items, that you get from:
  • New script function. When mobs reach the maximum love value (99) they drop an special item (Those items are W.I.P) Read more in the install section.

  • Testing scripts added to the download section (They work with all available mobs in this mod.

  • Bug-Fixes: Iron-Golems don't freeze the game anymore, cave-Spider texture added, slime temporal fix

HumanMOBS Talker

First of all, thanks to Flammarilva in the minecraftforums for making his Mobtalker mod available as Open Source, that way you can use all the code of that mod to make your own stuff, as long as you give credit to the original creator of the mod.

What is HumanMOBS Talker?

This is a "crossover" between Flammarilva's Mobtalker mod and my HumanMOBS mod, so they work together as a single mod.

This makes possible to use all the options in both mods without any compatibility issue and makes an even funnier "Date Sim" experience in minecraft.

It ONLY works with MODLOADER! (I haven't tested forge yet)

Also, some new features have been added to HumanMOBS

What this mod does?

-All the features included in Mob Talker updated to 1.5.2

-New recipe to the "talking device" (Now it's a flower bouquet)

-Customizable human models for the mobs, so they use the human model (This means that you can use any skin as a monster)

-Charged Creepers and Giant Zombies have their own texture now, so you can change them as you wish

-Also "normal" mobs and "friend" mobs have their own texture, so more customization chances!

Download links for the files Needed to run this mod:


-HumanMOBS Talker:

-MobTalker scripts files (My own testing scripts, get more in the Scripts section) Place the folder inside this zip into .minecraft/resources


-Install MODLOADER into your minecraft.jar (Make sure you have deleted the META-INF folder before doing anything!!)

-Place all the files inside the HumanMOBS Talker zip, inside minecraft.jar

-Go to resources inside your minecraft folder (This one: ".minecraft/resources") and place the scripts you have downloaded into the "mobTalker_script" folder (Make a new folder with that name if you don't have one yet)


-Enjoy, playing or customize it as you want!

How do you get the new items/achievements?

there is a new function in the mobs. When they reach love 99 they spawn a "secret" item. Each of the talkable mobs have one of those, and in the future, they will do something more that give an achievement.
There is an example of use in my own scripts uploaded in this post. The Blaze


-You need scripts to run this mod. You can get my testing skins linked in this post or you can get them from here:


Also you can learn to make your own scripts here:



How do I talk with the mobs?

You need to craft this (it's shapeless):

Then just right click the mob you want to talk. If you have installed all correctly you should start talking with the mob himself.

I right click the mob but nothing happens... WTF?

Make sure you have installed the scrips and placed them in the resources folder. For more help go to the link linked in the description.

How do you get the new items/achievements?

there is a new function in the mobs. When they reach love 99 they spawn a "secret" item. Each of the talkable mobs have one of those, and in the future, they will do something more that give an achievement.

There is an example of use in my own scripts uploaded in this post. The Blaze.

How do I customize a mob skin?

First make sure you are using a human skin (any one works, even HD ones)

Replace a mob skin with your own either inside minecraft.jar or inside a texturepack. Make sure you give them the same name for them to work

Charged Creeper and Giant Zombie have their own texture, so you can use you own skins in them too!


If you are still having problems ask me and I'll try to help you, but only if your questions hasn't been already answered in this post

I only want to use humanMOBS!

Then download it right below here. You can also find info about how to customize your skins there:



  1. Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2
  2. Animal version now has mini bats!

Available versions:

  1. Vanilla Minecraft version: Download Here

  2. Modloader/Forge Version: Download Here
  3. ML/Forge Version +Animals: Download Here

  4. Older versions: On the Download Mirror

MobTalker Compatibility Patch (for 1.4.4 and 1.4.5)

First of all: I only edit some files of mobtalker opensource version for it to works fine with humanmobs, so I can't answer questions about MobTalker errors/installation, etc.

  • You need to install Modloader and HumanMobs for Modloader/Forge first!
  • Download the 1.4.4 version of MobTalker mod here: Minecraft Forum Post
  • Download this file: Download file here
  • Replace the files in mobtalker mod with the ones on the patch(Move the files inside mobtalker_patch.zip inside the "Put this in jar" folder in Mob Talker Mod.zip)
  • Install Mob Talker Mod

By popular demand (XD) I made a modloader version!!

To install it:
  • Download the HumanMobs modloader.zip (it's in the forum post at the right)

  • Make sure that you have modloader installed in your minecraft.jar
  • After that just follow the same steps that the normal version that are below here (Make sure that you are adding the HumanMobs modloader.zip instread of HumanMobs.zip)
  • Test it it works with your mods!!! (I only tried some random mods that I downloaded for testing and they worked fine)

Updated version of the HumanMobs mod included in my Mob Talker Mod Skin Collection

This mod changes the default model of agressive mobs and villagers and turn them into the HumanPlayer one.

The following mobs are changed into Humans:

  • Creeper
  • Zombie
  • Skeleton
  • ZombiePigman
  • Ghast
  • Blaze
  • WitherSkeleton
  • Enderman
  • Witch
  • Spider
  • CaveSpider
  • IronGolem
  • SnowGolem
  • Slime
  • MagmaCube
  • SilverFish
  • Villagers
  • ZombieVillagers

With this mod, you can use any skin uploaded in PMC (even HD skins!) as one of those mobs!!

Included in the mod are my MobTalker skins, so you can use the mod without changin anything.
Even better, if you use the Random Mobs mod included in McPatcher you can do things like the one in the title image!!!!

How to use your own skins:

There are three ways to do it:
  1. Before Installing the mod:

  • Open the HumanMobs.zip before instaling
  • Open the mobs folder inside it
  • Rename your skin with the name of the mob(Example: For a zombie, rename it zombie.png For a Blaze rename it fire.png)
  • Place your skin inside the mobs folder of HumanMobs.zip (Say yes if your program ask to replace)
  • Install following the instructions in this post
  1. After It's Installed

  • Open your minecraft.jar with 7zip or winrar
  • Open the mobs folder inside it
  • Rename your skin with the name of the mob(Example: For a zombie, rename it zombie.png For a Blaze rename it fire.png)
  • Place your skin inside the mobs folder of minecraft.jar (Say yes if your program ask to replace)
  1. Using a TexturePack

  • Open your texturepack.zip with 7zip or winrar (Not needed if it's a folder)
  • Open the mobs folder inside it
  • Rename your skin with the name of the mob(Example: For a zombie, rename it zombie.png For a Blaze rename it fire.png)
  • Place your skin inside the mobs folder of your texturepack (Say yes if your program ask to replace)

If you're also using the Random Mobs mod included in MCPATCHER you can use more skins for a single mob. Just rename it to zombie2.png, zombie3.png fire2.png fire3.png etc.


Using MCPATCHER (Get it here):

1.Go to the Mods tab and click add...


2.Select the HumanMobs.zip that you downloaded (HumanMobs modloader.zip if you are installing that version!)


3. Click OK in the next two windows:



4. Click Patch


A few notes

-It sould also work with Forge, but I had no time for testing more than loading it XD

Hope you like them and Diamond, Favorite and/or Subscribe if you want to see this and my other projects as soon as I upload them ^o^
CreditFlammarilva Mobtalker mod creator. Thanks for making it opensource!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5.2

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by banchouforte 06/13/2013 10:27:06 pmJun 13th, 2013

  • Added Achievements that you get for getting:
  • New Items, that you get from:
  • New script function. When mobs reach the maximum love value (99) they drop an special item (Those items are W.I.P) Read more in the install section.

  • Testing scripts added to the download section (They work with all available mobs in this mod.

  • Bug-Fixes: Iron-Golems don't freeze the game anymore, cave-Spider texture added, slime temporal fix

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02/16/2019 1:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Azer_RUS's Avatar
1.12.2, please? :C
04/23/2018 11:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kerbyhenry's Avatar
Well cool I love mob talker
06/07/2017 6:59 pm
Level 24 : Expert Blockhead
brickman940's Avatar
Too bad this will never get updated. I kinda wanted to see this in 1.7+. With all of the mobs. that, and I'm too lazy to mess with the versions n' crap.
12/06/2014 10:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
silque's Avatar
BTW Sky sent me
10/12/2014 5:18 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Westdog01's Avatar
Why such a pornagraphic picture? What about people who want a mod like this, but hate porn? Disgusting...
08/17/2015 9:18 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
conflicttFTW's Avatar
*sigh* If I had a week I couldnt detail all the ways this comment is stupid... Ill go over some buliton points insteed.

* Pornographic involves nudity and/or sex. The banner involves neither- in fact, the only slightly 'pornographic' part would be the bra with cleavage. Boobs serve no function durring reproduction, therefor, being attracted to them (Which is a Western thing by the way, in 90% of countries they dont see boobs as 'sexual) is technically a fetish, like being aroused by feet. If flipflops are allowed, so are boobs in public. Deal with it. 

* 'hate porn'... *sigh* neeext!

* 'Disgusting' implies that the female body is gross or disturbing in some way.... So.... Ill just leave that there.

Sorry to go all 'social justice warrior' but these comments really agervate me :P

(Also sorry for the bad spelling, its like 1 am :P)
09/27/2014 9:34 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Pokemon
ChaosCT's Avatar
Are you gonna update this?
08/25/2014 12:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DPNexus's Avatar
Okay now i did the regular instaling with MCPATHER but i dont know how to use the modloader and shit and as soon as i test minecraft with only the humanMOBS mod patched it goes black..... like wtf man really?
08/25/2014 11:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DPNexus's Avatar
Okay i used forge 1.5.2 and the mod works and everything but all the mobs still look like regular minecraft mobs. Please help me.
07/15/2014 4:20 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pony
danieldesousa's Avatar
do you absolutely HAVE to use modlader or can you use forge?
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