Minecraft Mods

Immersive Paintings

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Level 46 : Master Blacksmith
Immersive Paintings Minecraft Mod

Tired of the overly pixelated, limited amount of paintings without a proper selection GUI?
Probably not, but I was.
Immersive Paintings allows users to create their own, Minecraft-stylized paintings via drag and drop, or by providing a URL.
You can also direct choose a screenshot.
No resource pack required, Multiplayer friendly and easy to use.

The mod offers a simple yet powerful GUI to select your paintings, those from fellow players or those provided via optional datapacks. Default datapack available for a quick start!
Immersive Paintings Minecraft Mod

The creation menu allows you to quickly pixelate your images and apply post-effects and dithering to make them look like they fit into Minecraft, without much fiddling around.
Immersive Paintings Minecraft Mod

But what's a fancy painting without a fancy frame? Select from different styles and a lot of materials to put your artwork into a better focus.

Using smart level of details, caching and lazy streaming of data the performance impact is not noticeable.

And here is the crafting recipe.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

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05/31/2023 10:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Is there a repository somewhere for datapacks that can be added to this mod?
06/09/2023 1:46 pm
Level 46 : Master Blacksmith
My discord has a forum to share packs, tho it's a bit empty over there: discord.gg/agxcvAdj2a
