Minecraft Mods

Just More Cakes! (Fabric/NeoForge)

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Level 36 : Artisan Cake Modder

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📘 Description
Just More Cakes makes improvements to the default Minecraft cake and introduces several new mechanics and, most importantly,
30 new flavors of cake, each with unique abilities or properties. All cakes can be stacked two or three times to create tiered cakes.
Abilities range from healing to preventing detection from a sculk sensor, and many of them can be configured using a datapack.

To obtain the new cakes, there is a new furnace type called the Cake Oven. Additionally,
there is a new villager profession available that will buy and sell ingredients and, but also cake.

Supports: Cake Chomps, Just Enough Items (JEI), Roughly Enough Items (REI), Jade

📜 Terms of Use
You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create resource packs, data packs, and addon mods for this mod

You may not
❌ Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links to any of the project pages*
❌ Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit

* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc

💬 Translations
Feel free to translate this mod into any language or update existing translations. To get your translation into the mod, make a pull request on GitHub with the translated language file

All translators are credited in the list below
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.1

17 Update Logs

Update 1.19.2 : by MincraftEinstein 10/09/2024 3:10:52 pmOct 9th, 2024

Sorry, this took so long. I was putting it off until I released the next major update, unfortunately, that's been delayed a bit.

  • Added missing ceramic bowl loot table
  • Fixed whisk and cake spatula not being enchantable with an anvil
  • Fixed ceramic bowl not having a mineable tool set
  • Fixed cake baker gift and desert village bakery chest loot tables

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07/25/2024 7:20 pm
He/Him • Level 34 : Artisan Modder
its a good mod
07/26/2024 1:47 am
Level 36 : Artisan Cake Modder
Thank you!
Starfish Studios
07/22/2024 8:09 pm
They/Them • Level 1 : New Miner
i am glad i seen this on planet minecraft because i am the mod developer of naturalist good work :)
07/23/2024 1:13 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Cake Modder
Wow, Thank you!
Starfish Studios
07/23/2024 1:14 pm
They/Them • Level 1 : New Miner
your welcome
01/17/2024 10:27 am
She/Her • Level 22 : Expert Unicorn Pokémon
I actually have this mod on my world! Whenever I place down a Skulk Cake, my game crashes shortly after. Is this supposed to happen? Is this because there's no Skulk Sensors nearby?
01/17/2024 12:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Cake Modder
Hi. No, this is not intentional behavior. The Sculk Cake doesn't interact with its surroundings. Can you please let me know if you're using Supplementaries (there is a known crash with it) and what version of JustMoreCakes you're using so I can fix it?
01/17/2024 12:28 pm
She/Her • Level 22 : Expert Unicorn Pokémon
Oh. I am. That'll do it...
Also, as for the version, I haven't actually played in a while, but the one in my modpack is version 1.13.1. (Though I might update my modpack at some point.)
