Minecraft Mods

Medieval Style Pack for Minecolonies ( MC 1.15.2)

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn


This is the Official Medieval Style Pack for Minecolonies v1.15.2.

Check out our newest resource pack! It includes a lot of voice sounds for all citizens!

Minecolonies VoicePack on Curseforge

Also check out the streams of the Minecolonies dev team in Twich, they are great and can get you sneak peaks of incoming features! Here!

Hello again people! I bring you my set of medieval styled buildings for you to enjoy!
When i first started playing Mc with Minecolonies, i was amazed by all the potential of the mod and the features it had at that time, but every biome i spawned in wasnt particulary an oak forest, so it was hard to build colonies. I started building a set of different wooden styles to supply my needs of variation, so these came up. Now, the mod has grown larger, and the devs started to incorporate new biome based schematics, wich is awesome!. So, taking an oportunity since the old forum's closed, i renamed, refocused this project to a Medieval style set of schematics!

Since the minecolonies forums are getting deprecated i decided to post the stylepack here, inspired by Thaylar, creator of the Caledonia Stylepack wich you can get here. Check it out, its awesome!

NOTE: From now on, i will support only the newest version of the mod. That means i wont backport any new schematic. Sorry but its just too much work! Also, i will soon rescan all wooden variants of the huts, meanwhile its only oak!
The custom supply ship and and camp will be included in each wooden style. Thanks to the devs for this!

Currently Planned:
  1. Survive!
Building Tips:
  • Plan ahead! Some buildings are quite expensive, but most of them use a lot of wood on first levels. Always start with a lumberjack after the builder's hut!
  • The TownHall and the alternative are quite different. The alternative builds up into a castle at lvl5 while the other serves as a medieval townsman office.
  • Currently there are no roads schematics, so feel free to build your own as you like!
  • Some buildings have blank spaces that can overlap with other buildings, if you have any doubt about it dont mind asking me!
  • The biggest buildings are the warehouse, the restaurant, and the university-library combo. Plan ahead for big spaces if you want to build them!
  • The university and the library are designed to be attached to eachother. Just need to overlap the columns of them both (ill post some images to help you out!
Instalation Guide:
  • Download the RAR and extract all folders in ".minecraft/structurize/schematics/"
  • Enjoy!

  1.- Could i use these schematics in my own modpack?
  A: For any issues concerning mod rights, ask directly to the minecolonies devs.

  2.- Is there any differences between this and the schematics included in the mod?
  A: It might be yes, in order to balance it. Choosing between one or another is up to you.

  3.- I dont understand how these buildings are supposed to be built, any help?
  A: Just send me a screenshot and ill be happy to assist you.

  4.-How do i attach the library and the university?
  A: Follow this simple tutorial

The texture pack used in screenshots was Jhon Smith Legacy 1.12

Link to the Minecolonies mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecolonies
CreditMinecolonies Team : https://forum.minecolonies.com/index.php
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

19 Update Logs

Medieval DarkOak Rework finished! Final version of 1.15.2 : by carlansor 02/27/2021 1:09:04 pmFeb 27th, 2021

This is the final 1.15.2 update of the pack since support for this version has ended. It contains tons of fixes and improvements.

Now, about 1.16 versions, it will be uploaded soon so be atent to further updates.


-New Library and University

-New Citizen and alt citizen huts
-New Townhall, old one went to the alt style
-New restaurant
-New guardtower
-Reworked all huts
-Finally i finished this.
-(pause for resting)
-YEAH! i did it xD

Med Oak & Spruce v1.7:

Tons of FIxes and additions

Med Birch v1.3:
TOns of FIxes and additions

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07/17/2021 10:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey. I've been playing a survival world for a while now, and recently updated the pack. When I did, all your schematics changed... specifically the sawmill with a crater in the ground. I tried several different downloads, but can't seem to find that schematic. Any suggestions?
07/20/2021 7:57 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
hey there! i didnt make that schematic in particular, but you can grab it inside the mod jar in older versions or ask arround in the discord channel.
06/16/2021 8:56 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
Hey, is there a world with all the buildings for us to preview similarly to caledonia's schematics world? As i kinda want to have a good look at all the styles before picking for my survival world. Either great pack! especially the oak alt that gives that imposing fortress look
06/22/2021 2:05 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
hey there! im sorry but that would be too time consuming xD i have some gifs under the tab "preview of some of the buildings" that migt help, but its just medieval oak.
06/23/2021 9:50 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
Oh yeah its all good, wasnt really asking you to make one right now but rather asking if you already had it ready but not published
04/22/2021 4:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Isn't this the medieval style in the base game? Is there any difference?
04/22/2021 7:54 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
actually, here was the first site to post schems so ppl could grab them before the mod updates, but now minecolonies updates fast so most uptodate schems are directly added to the mod. I might update this in the future for other stuff not added in the mod.
09/06/2020 12:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi, Curious, the back of the Townhall (the flat side) looks like its meant to fit onto something similar to the library and university. Was that your intent? I looked through the other buildings and couldn't figure it out.
09/12/2020 10:29 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
hi! it is just like that so you can place another flat sided building right next to it, so you can build a more compact street like town :P
07/18/2020 1:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm having an issue with the yellow flag in the medieval oak town hall. Can't quite figure out the proper red & orange dye pattern and entering creative to cheat it in is a no go too. i've gotten similiar but the builder isn't satisfied so i can't get past it.
