Minecraft Mods

(Forge) Witch Hats [1.12.2]

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Witch Hats is an cosmetic item mod which adds wearable Witch hats to the game. They can be claimed by killing a witch in survival mode, and they provide a new incentive to hunt for witches in the wild.

This mod is fairly simple but it should provide a nice cosmetic item to the game which should make survival games a bit more interesting and make facing off against witches that much more engaging.

What's new in version 1.2.0
  • Mod rewritten from scratch
  • New rendering system for hats
  • Update checker based on Forge
  • Hat model and texture can be changed by other mods (via events)

  • Wearable Witch hats which appear on your head!
  • Put the hat on by dragging it into your helmet slot, or by right clicking with it in your hand!
  • Witches now drop Witch hats when killed
  • Special Christmas skin for the holidays
  • Modders can add new witch hats through Forge events (more on this in the 'Developers' section)

Planned Features
  • Support for more languages
  • Witch Hat mixin mods (official spinoff mods which add more hat variants)

You need to install Minecraft Forge to use this mod.
  1. Navigate to the Forge download (link above)
  2. Download and run the forge installer
  3. Follow the instructions to install on either your game or a server
  4. Navigate to your .minecraft directory (or the server directory if this is a server)
  5. Create a new folder called 'mods' if one does not already exist
  6. Click the blue 'Download Mod' button on this page
  7. Drag the WitchHats.jar file into the mods folder
  8. Run the game and enjoy!

I will update the code on GitHub soon, but for now you can download the source code of the mod here. I will post a guide to modding in new Witch Hats soon.

Thanks for downloading, and I hope you enjoy the mod!
- Romejanic
CreditWouter (idea)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

3 Update Logs

Version 1.2.0 : by RomejanicDev 02/18/2019 8:51:30 amFeb 18th, 2019

- Mod rewritten from scratch
- New rendering system for hats
- Update checker based on Forge
- Hat model and texture can be changed by other mods (via events)

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02/18/2019 9:01 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Hey everyone!

Sorry about the LONG delay. I stopped Minecraft modding for quite a while but I am getting back into it and I am starting with updating/rewriting some highly requested mods for 1.12.2 and I will make more of an effort to keep my mods updated between Minecraft versions.

Witch Hats is just the start, I will be focusing on other mods soon, so stay tuned! And I will of course be updating these freshly upgraded mods to 1.13 when forge comes out for that version.

Thanks for sticking around!
- Romejanic
08/23/2015 6:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you make it for 1.7.10 pleaseeee :3 thank you xD cause i LOVE dis mod :3
02/18/2019 9:00 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
It's just been updated for 1.12.2!
04/04/2014 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Can you update it for 1.7.2 please?

I really like this mod, I wish if this is for 1.7.2
04/14/2014 7:07 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
I'll give it a shot, just wait a little bit...
07/18/2014 4:24 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Thanks very much.
12/28/2013 2:52 am
Level 36 : Artisan Princess
uhm the hat is just a leather cap when i play offline it's suppose to that :3
08/15/2014 9:22 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer

That's weird. I dont know why that happens.
12/09/2013 9:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
To fix the ghost hat, try using

your code that makes it drop the hat here

Also, I have a suggestion - perhaps you could make it so potion effects last twice as long when you are wearing the witch hat. That could be good - or bad, depending on what potion effects you have.
12/24/2013 12:26 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Thanks! Your suggestion fixed the bug, although I used !World.isRemote just to be safe :)

I will consider the potions feature in another update :)
