Minecraft Mods

Plants Vs Zombie "Bedrock Add-on"

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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
Use plants to defeat zombies and protect your lawn.

This add-on comes with 18 New Plants and 6 New Zombies

Plants -

Sunflower (Will Produce Sun, which is required for most Day Plants)
Peashooter (Your basic lawn defense)
Cherrybomb (A quick way to deal with Zombies)
Wall-Nut (Great for keeping the Zombies from attacking your other plants first)
Potato Mine (Takes a bit to active, but when it does it can stop zombies in there track)
Chorus Fruit Dragon (Fires off Shulker Bullets and causes Zombies to fly)
Puff-Shroom (A very cheap costing fungus that can be used to keep your defense up while you wait for Moons)
Sun-Shroom (Produces Moon, which is needed to craft all Night Plants)
Fume-Shroom (An Upgrade compared to the Puff-Shroom)
Ice-Shroom (Deals slowness to Zombies that come in contact with it)
Doom-Shroom (WILL DESTROY ALL ZOMBIES, PLANTS AND PLAYERS. Best save this one has a last resort)
Sculk Blaster (An strange sculk plant that fires off huge blast at zombies and has lots of health)
Twin-Sun (Produce Sun faster than before with Twin Sun, to obtain one you will need to buy a Seed Upgrade Pack)
Pea-Nut (A good defense and being able to attack a plus, if you want a good defense)
Squash (Will defeat Zombies in one hit and usually does not last to long)
Cattail (Deals heavy Damage, Requires Lily pad and Seed Upgrade Pack)
Kernel-Pult (Has chance to fling butter)
Electric Blueberry (Summons Lightning)
Snow Pea (Slows down Zombies)
Golden Peashooter (Can One-Shot Zombies)
Swamp Pea (Poisons Zombie with it Thorns)

Zombies -
Bucket Head Zombie (An Zombie that wears a bucket and has a high defense)
Cone Head Zombie (Wears a cone and has decent health compare to the based zombie)
Flag Zombie (An Zombie that like to charge into battle)
Screen Door Zombie (Has a very high defense)
Jack in a Box Zombie (Will go boom when near a plant)
Peashooter Zombie (An strange Zombie-Plant Hybrid)
Gargantuar (An Huge and Strong Zombie)

Crazy Dave (Will sell Sun, Moon, Seedlings, Peanuts, and Upgrades)

Sun (Needed to craft Most Day Plants)
Moon (Needed to craft Most Night Plants)
Peanut (Needed to craft the Pea-Nut)
Seedlings (Grow your own plants without having to use Sun)
Upgrade Seed Pack (Need to upgrade certain plants)
Bucket? (Gives 1 Defense)

Add-on is finished as of now there will be no more update for it.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure to have both the Resource and Behavior Pack Installed. With out having both the Add-on WILL NOT work

Recommended to play with Mob Griefing Off and Back-up Worlds that may want to try playing this on)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.6

1 Update Logs

Final Update : by noahsoboz 06/11/2024 12:23:10 pmJun 11th, 2024


- Has a chance to stop zombies from moving.
- Weaker Attack
- Get 4 seed packs when crafted

Electric Blueberry
- Chance to summon lightning
- Careful not to zap your other plants

Snow Pea
- Fire Chilling Peas
- Slows zombies down
- Same Damage as Peashooter

Golden Peashooter
- Only plant that needs the crafting table to make it
- Cost 4 Gold Blocks and 4 Sun.
- Deals 999 Damage

Swamp Pea
- An Peashooter that fires off poison thorns
- Deals Poison to Zombies
- Has no Seedling

- Has 100 Health
- Can one-shot zombies

Electric Blueberry Seedling
- Grows Electric Blueberries
Kernel-Pult Seedling
- Grows Kernel-Pults
Snow Pea Seedling
- Grows Snow Peas

- Gives 1 Defense when worn
- Crafted from Bucket

- Changed Peashooter Eyes to have more detail.
- Changed Sunflower Eyes to have more detail

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06/20/2024 11:22 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist Architect
Bro, maybe try publishing it to the Marketplace!
06/21/2024 9:22 am
She/Her • Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
I wouldn't be able to do that unfortunately. :(
12/25/2023 11:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
please port to java
12/25/2023 4:44 pm
She/Her • Level 65 : High Grandmaster Artist
Would like to but, I don't really know how to work in Java, also not sure if the Blockbench would work in terms of the code.
