Minecraft Mods

Ruby Mod+ [NEOFORGE 1.21.1]

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Level 46 : Master Cookie
This mod adds the Ruby which was meant to be in Minecraft update 1.3, but got removed last second because the developer Dinnerbone was red green colorblind, and couldn't really see the difference between redstone and ruby.

The Ruby Ore spawns just like any other ore, and you can make all the tools like for example ruby sword and pickaxe, and also armor

This Minecraft mod works with the Mod Loader NEOFORGE version 1.21.1

There are two versions of the mod:

  1. Common Version - Easy to find ore / more ores per chunk
  2. Rare Version - Harder to find ore / less ores per chunk

Recipes are the same as other ores!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.1

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10/31/2024 4:32 pm
Level 46 : Master Cookie
VERSION LINKS ARE FIXED NOW! If you downloaded Rare Version and the file name didnt contain the word "rare", then you need to redownload!
