Minecraft Mods

SkinShifter - InGame Skin Change System (1.7.10)

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XmenZ64rus's Avatar XmenZ64rus
Level 45 : Master Modder
SkinShifter is a very easy-to-use Minecraft mod that allows players to instantly change their skin to any custom texture in-game. In multiplayer, other players immediately see the change as well. As such, SkinShifter is the perfect tool to use when recording Minecraft movies with many different characters, saving you precious filming time that would otherwise be wasted with painfully long skin-changing intervals. No longer does anyone need to go to Minecraft.net to change their skin!

There are several folders in which SkinShifter looks for custom skin files to load. Those skin files basically are the regular PNG images you are used to uploading to Minecraft.net. However, this time, you don‘t upload them but instead put them in one of these folders:
  • Both on the client and the server, there‘s a folder mods/skinshifter/skins (can be adjustet in the SkinShifter configuration file). All skins in that folder will be available in-game. In case of multiplayer games, all skins in the server-side folder can be selected by all clients. If you however have a skin in your client-side folder, only you can select it, yet anyone else sees you wearing the new skin once you have selected it.
  • (Deprecated) If you want to, you can create a subfolder skins in your world folder and put custom skins in there. They will be available only if you‘re playing in that specific world. This behavior can be quite useful if you run multiple worlds with many different settings, with each of them requiring a multitude of different skins. Of course, the feature works both with client and server worlds respectively.

Note that when you put new skins in one of the mentioned folders while the game is running, the new skins are automatically loaded once you open the skin selection screen.

We recommend organizing the different skins into subfolders. Those subfolders will be shown in the skin selection screen later on and make your skins easier to find in cases where there are many skins available.

Once you have put your skins in one of the folders and thereby made them available to SkinShifter, you can simply press O while in-game to open the skin selection screen.

There, you can preview all available skins by clicking on them in the list on the left side. The selected skin will be shown on the player model on the right side. If you‘re satisfied with your selection, you can simply click Apply to start wearing the new skin. In case of a multiplayer game, all other players will also see you wearing the new skin. In order to revert to the default skin which you have uploaded to Minecraft.net, just click the Revert to Default button in the skin selection screen. It‘s that easy!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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05/29/2024 4:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Pompeustein's Avatar
Hello friend, we are talking about the skin format and not about versions of Minecraft higher than 1.7.10, for example your mod is incredible but unfortunately it does not support skin 128% by 128% and its only overlap is the hair one for example if I I have a skin with a jacket on the second layer, it remains without a jacket because it only supports the first layer, which would be a simple skin that would be 64% by 32% and not 64% by 64%
10/08/2023 7:09 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Pompeustein's Avatar
Another question, the second layer of the skins doesn't work, would it be possible to fix it?

they only work with the simple format and I would like to use a skin with a jacket overlay
12/09/2023 10:03 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Exufo's Avatar
yeah that what im saying it doesn't support 1.8+ skins

i think he thought i was saying update the mod
10/07/2023 7:42 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Batman
Pompeustein's Avatar
I liked it but I've been looking for a mod like yours for years, but I would like to know if it would be possible to use larger 128% om skins, because I like HD skins
07/12/2023 3:50 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Exufo's Avatar
please man make it support 1.8+
07/23/2023 4:32 am
Level 45 : Master Modder
XmenZ64rus's Avatar
Excluded, new versions will not be supported
07/28/2023 8:45 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Exufo's Avatar
sorry i meant support 1.8+ skins
06/27/2023 6:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Exufo's Avatar
i like this mod it's just perfect for my roleplay server

but could you fix a bug when skins from 1.8+ it glitch

i have

Et Futurum Requiem Mode
installed and it broke this mod

