Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

-=[ Puzzle Layers 2 ]=- Minecraft puzzle map for 1.8!

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Hebb's Avatar Hebb
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
- Map created by Dav105 & Zetobyte -


Puzzle Layers 2 is a puzzle/adventure map created for Minecraft 1.8. The map itself consists of 11 individual 'layers' plus one bonus layer, including the tutorial. Each main layer features one or multiple puzzles which you must complete in order to advance further. Once one layer has been completed, the next will unlock and allow you to proceed. With the first map being such a great success, we just had to make another one. This map is a sequel to the original Puzzle Layers which can be found here. Whether you're playing in singleplayer, with a buddy or in a group, Puzzle Layers 2 will offer you a challenging new experience. Full gameplay time is approximately 115 minutes, depending on how slow/fast you complete each layer.


>> Do not use a modded client.
>> Do not pillar over/up to any layer.
>> Do not visit any previous layers you have completed.
>> Make sure command blocks are enabled.
>> Set your render distance to 10+ (reccomended for best view)
>> Keep hostile creature sounds less than 50%
>> If you're playing co-op, make sure you are playing on a vanilla/unmodded server because
Spigot or Craftbukkit servers and plugins may break the map.
>> If you're hosting a server/playing multiplater, make sure you have a good internet connection/speed.


Follow the download link, download Puzzle Layers 2.rar. Once downloaded, use a program such as WinRaR or 7-ZIP to open it. Locate to %appdata% > .minecraft > saves and extract the map folder into here. Open Minecraft 1.8, select the world and play!

Follow the download link, download Puzzle Layers 2.rar. Once downloaded, use a program such as WinRaR or 7-ZIP to open it.
Locate your server directory, (Server files) If there is a "world" folder, delete it and replace it with the map then rename it to "world". If there isn't a world already in there, simply put the world in and rename it to "world". Enable command blocks in the server.properties, save it and then start your server.


Video by TheFluffyGoatTFG

Video by MashStars

Video by butterman59


Zetobyte - Initial Concept - Main builder.

Dav105 - Builder - Main redstoner.

CaLxCyMru (Cal) - Trailer camera-man.

Thanks for playing our map! If you have any question, be sure to leave a comment down below!

- Dav105 & Zetobyte

Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

18/12/2015 : by Hebb 12/18/2015 2:57:39 pmDec 18th, 2015

Updated link

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04/22/2018 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skele_X's Avatar
I wanted to play both this map and the original, but the original download is missing. Any reason? :/
08/08/2017 12:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
boltboltbolt's Avatar
is it just me or is the download not working?
08/11/2017 4:19 pm
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
Hebb's Avatar
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I have now re-uploaded the world and the link is fixed :)
05/08/2016 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
aqualaxie's Avatar
Hello ! I'd like to make a let's play on your map so that i can try it out and show it to a (very little) part of the french minecraft community.
If you're agreeing, a video should come out in two weeks, on saturday or sunday.
I'd also like to use your trailer so that I can get some hype for the serie.
11/15/2015 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
butterman59's Avatar
Did a let's play to the best of my ability. i kinda sucked at the map but i finished as much as i could. i'll post a link when i upload it!
11/23/2015 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
butterman59's Avatar
Ok! Episode 1 is up! Here's the link!:

11/12/2015 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
MashStars's Avatar
Really loved the map and had a lot of fun with it. The builds are amazing and everything worked really well. Thank you for making this map and Sharing it!

We made a lets play of this and had a ton of fun with it. In this first episode we go through the first three levels, we would appriciate anyones help with feedback.

Have a great day!

11/07/2015 2:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sammi9834's Avatar
I'm stuck on the canyon level. I have the blobk I need but it won't let me put it in the totem checker :(
11/07/2015 8:06 am
Level 44 : Master Pixel Painter
Hebb's Avatar
What block are you putting in the conversion machine?
11/04/2015 5:46 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
