This Map is an entry in the completed Life On Mars Solo Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

-=Marsian Energy Plant=-

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The Gentleman Builder
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
Hello guys,

This is my First Contest Build, and let me explain some of the stuff in here :)

A 100% Vanilla
This map is a 100% hand made, I used no mods, not even World eddit or anything else. I also Didn't use any shaders this time for PMC just because I wanted you guys to have a 100% clear look at the builds.
This map also contains no command blocks or Barrier blocks to keep it a 100% vanilla. In fact, you can build everything in survival if you want to.

reasons of builded stuff
The Marsians need to power there stuff like every other species on the planets, and they use the wonderfull green Arium energy blocks as their poweringsource. The generator adsorbs the energy from the stone and sends it over to all the cities on Mars
The dead Trees are a refference to the trees found on the real planet (which means there was live once there)

Small mini Queests
I decided to put 2 small Queests inside the map, you can find them inside of your inventory, Don't worry, they aren't that hard, just so you can learn something more about the map itself

I hope you guys like this map, I have put alot of time into this and I really enjoyed building it,
This was my first contest ever, So I am curious, who likes it?
Please leave a Diamond down below so I can see who likes it.

Progress100% complete

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PixelCrest Studios
11/29/2015 12:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
You might wanna read the rules fully next time and you will save alot of time XD 

"Building aides are allowed, but don't let a program do the main work for you (3D model converters, etc)" ~ Mars Contest Rules
The Gentleman Builder
11/30/2015 2:35 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
A mod is a mod, I did read it but personaly I think that if they are telling you that mods are forbidden. Forbidden they will be ;)
PixelCrest Studios
11/30/2015 10:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
"No mods! Must be vanilla Minecraft, 1.8.8 or below. Judges will also be judging the submissions in vanilla Minecraft. Any foreign blocks will be discarded from the final judging" ~ Mars Contest Rules

 This is saying use vanilla blocks and entitys because the judges will be using vanilla minecraft to look at your builds so to use of mods won't help you in any way. It is not saying you can't build using a plugin that is a building aid (Ex. World Edit, Voxel Sniper, MCedit <- with specific uses but MCedit can't be over used as its not a ingame tool rather a program). "Building aides are allowed" ~ Mars Contest Rules
The Gentleman Builder
11/30/2015 12:31 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
I know the rules I have read them well, I only say that no mods are no voxel etc in my opinion and that's all
and I know they do have some options still open for those mods, But in MY opinion it's just a mod

so please leave me in MY opinion and let it be okey?
It's okey to use it, but I just follow the rules as I read them, just as anyone reads there "books" if you know what I mean, that will give us a better world if we just let everyone be who we are

this conversation is over know
11/24/2015 3:41 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
Gg duncan
11/23/2015 9:25 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
First off I'd like to say  this looks pretty good, sorry I mean verryyy good. There's just one thing that bothers me(Blame it on my random OCD) ontop it says "At first" which makes me feel you are admiting to using something you shouldn't. (<--- sorry! blame it on my OCD remember that)  "Take me away cop man, I did wrong!"
Cool idea of making a few small quests, very awesome-sauce! Wish you luck, and may the votings be in your favor
The Gentleman Builder
11/24/2015 2:06 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
I can say honestly that I did nothing against te rules, I am just saying it because I've seen some maps which are made by things like world edit (gaps on older pictures etc), which still is a mod and the rule was not to use any mods. Thats why I say it, Just to show people that you can play real fair and that's what is more important in a contest
to have fun and to play by the rules

btw, blame this answer on my personality :p
I don't like misunderstandings haha
11/24/2015 4:43 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Well all that matters in building is 1) you are proud of what you make even how bad it looks and 2) following the rules.

you did a pretty good job and you have a diamond from me :) Thanks for clearing up my misunderstandings btw
11/22/2015 6:27 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Feel like I'm being annoying for pointing this out but...

The Gentleman Builder
11/23/2015 12:29 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
I know, I saw that to late...
Dislexia right =/
