Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.11.2] Slender Multiplayer [2-5 Players]

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Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Hello there ! Today, we present to you our first Minecraft map
Slender Multiplayers is an adventure map in mutiplayers with
your friends, from 2 to 5 players. One plays the role of SlenderMan
and the other function as a Survivors.

This game takes back the concept of the real Slender game
but you don't need to collect 8 pages you just need
to survive until sunup :)

Survivors assets
- Potion to slow the Slender
- 2 Ender pearls

SlenderMan assets
- 2 SnowBalls of detections

▐ More informations ▌

Map Creators
- FrezZox (Commandes blocks)
- JokerCard (Builder)
- LaBelette (Builder)

Youtube Channel
FrezZox: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBEiOYQmOWzc2kSoW2LfKaQ
LaBelette: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66dSu4JezLhljgRp8-GjQg
Progress100% complete

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