Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Make Minecraft Mobs Harder in One Command! [1.8] Difficulty X - Vanilla Mod

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Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Lets face it, once you have played minecraft for a couple months or so, Minecraft gets really easy. This simple, yet efficient, One Command Block mod takes your Minecraft World to be harder than Hard Difficulty.

-All things in nature take longer to grow.
-Huge follow range!
-Have much higher chance of calling for other zombies for help.
Skeletons can now be influenced by other mobs! When a skeleton goes near a Zombie, Spider, or Enderman, they will receive their ability.
-Enderman Skeletons can teleport around.
-Zombie Skeletons will drop their bows and attack with their arms. (Very Strong)
-Spider Skeletons can run much faster
-Skeletons can receive all 3 abilities!
-Skeletons have a larger follow range.
-Skeletons are stronger and all are quipped with enchanted bows.
-Base skeletons are slightly faster!
-Explode faster.
-Explode larger.
-Slighty faster speed.
-Larger follow range.
-Large slimes will spawn even larger.
-Larger follow range.
Zombie Pigmen-
-Will attack you if you have every killed a pig!
-Larger follow range.
-May call for help from their Zombie relatives.
-Larger follow range.
-Slightly faster.
-Fireballs are much larger and deal much more damage.

To get the command click on Minecraft Wold Save or Pastebin (Mirror). This creation is intended for expert Minecraft players that want challenge again within the game. Be sure to place the command block in the spawn chunck, then paste in the command. This may take some practice to survive, but it is still possible. This is my creation. Do not take credit for this creation.
CreditMr. Garretto
Progress75% complete

1 Update Logs

V1.5 : by HippoMonk 08/21/2015 3:47:41 pmAug 21st, 2015

Removed Constant Mining Fatigue on Players.

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Boreth Reign
09/27/2015 11:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Caden, this mod was excellent, for my friends and I (who are all long time veterans) and gave Minecraft the edge it used to have when we were plebs. However, as time passed  and we agro'ed the monsters, particullarly the zombies, we ended up with more than our local server to handle. What had happened was that me and four of my friends had held up in walled fort (only like 2-3 chunks big) and intended to make a run for a local monument. So as our "noble" leader lept into the fray the typical agro-ing process began, but this time it resulted in a horde of zombies (one side of the fort) of the likes of which i never seen. So as more and more gathered the harder and harder it was for the server to handle and eventually was unplayable.

So I was wondering if you knew of a fix or tweak that could potentially fix our overwelming zombie situation?

Regardless of the compatibility issue with longterm multiplayer, it was the most fun my friends and I had in Minecraft in a long time. So thanks!
08/20/2015 8:35 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Hey Caden20022002! This is an awesome plugin :D (along with all the other banging plugins you've made) just wanna stop by to leave you a diamond and how are you?
08/21/2015 11:30 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
I'm great! How about you?
08/12/2015 7:04 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Hello, I am Yaseen, the owner of Autus Creations. We are looking for people who are skilled in all aspects of Minecraft, in this case redstone, to produce amazing contraptions to share with the public. There are already four people working together in the team. If you are interested please contact me on Skype via yaseenmskype or PM me yours. Thank you.
08/12/2015 11:29 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Can you go into more detail on this team? Do you have any examples of what they have made? Thanks!
08/12/2015 12:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Well, the team will work together to make redstone machines and contraptions. As of this moment we are in the stages of making a Survival Kit and a Weapons Plus one command creation. Autus Creations originally was a build team however we are expanding into other areas of minecraft. If you want I can link you to the PMC of the people who are in the redstone department.
08/12/2015 2:39 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
That would be great!
09/23/2015 8:49 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Robot
Im on the team my skype is EnderSquid898
08/13/2015 5:56 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
Alright, please hold, it may take a few minutes.
