Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[1.11] Hastur's Labyrinthe - Arcade Game!

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Level 39 : Artisan System

[1.11] Hastur's Labyrinthe - Arcade Game! Minecraft Map

Hastur's Labyrinthe places you in the heart of a 20-minute, fight to the finish, labyrinthine dungeon, whose creator is a cruel soul, feeding on the destruction and entropy caused by the labyrinth's captives. Room after room, you and your friends will be tested in mind (by wicked traps) and in strength (by brutal foes).

This is a vanilla 1.11 game, functional in adventure/arcade mode with 1-8 players (officially), and in deathmatch with 2 or more players.


Each character has unique weapons, armor, and skills!

Once the game is started, players are ported to the center of a randomly accessible maze of rooms, filled with monsters, mazes and traps. All players must make their way to the boss fight at the end, finding keys randomly dispersed in chests throughout the labyrinth.

Players' kill counts and death counts are tallied at the end, so be sure to stay alive and kill as many of Hastur's minions as you can!

Generally, the game takes 20-30 minutes to complete. However, randomly assigned doors make this game replayable - dead ends and locked doors appear in new places, forcing players to take new routes to the boss each time. Whole sections of the labyrinth are potentially brand new the next time you play.


Make sure you either use the server.properties file included in the zip, or change the following settings:
  • gamemode=2
  • enable-command-block=true
  • level-name=Hasturs_Labyrinthe
  • view-distance=15 (minimum of 12)

The 1.8.3 version can be downloaded here

Creators: Chuckzee, Barkeben
Trailer: The Playaway Team

(please let us know of any bugs - see update log for list of current known issues)
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 - Hastur's Labyrinthe V1.6 - New Game Mechanics : by Barkeben 05/21/2017 3:59:21 pmMay 21st, 2017

Hastur's Labyrinthe is fully updated! All mobs and player classes are now newly balanced and updated to meet the 1.11 standard of awesomeness! Play today!

Plus, check out the whole new puzzle room (replacing riddle room), and rejuvenation room!

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06/27/2017 7:19 am
Level 45 : Master System
I came here from minecraft.net! Congratulations!
06/26/2017 5:03 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Congrats on being featured in Minecraft.net!
06/26/2017 7:58 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System
Thank you! I'm honored to be there! :D
02/12/2015 8:33 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
HA! That video completely sold me. 
Have a Diamond on me.
02/13/2015 5:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System
Hahaha. I laugh at that video every time I watch it.
Thanks a bunch!
Isaac Zephyr
02/12/2015 3:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
Trying to play solo I'm encountering 2 problems. Problem 1 is being stuck in creative mode without cheat access. Number 2, going into the labyrinthe, of the 4 doors that can potentially spawn, I get 0. Which leaves me locked in a room alone having no fun. :( Also blindness no matter which way levers are, as I thought this may help, and both give me blindness. Could be in un-updated version of the map for the save right now since it looks to have been updated recently, but I dunno. Would love to do an LP of the map as a huge D&D fan.
02/12/2015 7:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System
Yeah, I recently revisited the map, and found the same issues. I'm working on fixing those now. It should be fixed soon! Thanks for letting me know!
Isaac Zephyr
02/12/2015 9:50 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
Yer welcome. Lemme know when yer done, as I said, would love to LP it. :3
02/13/2015 5:22 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System

I didn't realize how broken everything was.
It should all work now. There are only a few, minor, non-gameplay-affecting issues remaining now.

Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the game! (And that it works for you!!!)
Isaac Zephyr
02/23/2015 6:42 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
Just got around to trying again. Still quite buggy for me. :/ I got stuck on the spawn pad, popped into crative to check why, and there were no command blocks connected to it. Then got into the map manually, and no mobs spawn, and darkness didn't work. Could be from 1.8.3 version but I dunno. :P I'll try it again later.
02/24/2015 11:22 am
Level 39 : Artisan System
That's odd! Did you download the latest version? I recently added (like after I updated it and told you it was updated) a command block beneath the spawn pad that activates the game. There is a single clock that requires landing on that spawn pad to be activated. That clock powers the whole game. If there's no command block by the spawn pad, then the clock will never start running.
If you go underground, the command center should have a "big ben" fence post with skulls on it. Place a redstone block by the comparator down there and the whole game should start working.
