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Level 43 : Master Crafter
2 pistons piggybacked for a double lift

I used a sequence of delays to raise and lower them.

My first 'big' redstone device

2 pistons piggybacked will not function if you just stack them and wire them up

So I made it possible to use piggybacked pistons

Not a lot of applications for this but I thought it was worth playing around with.

Updated with much simpler circuitry.

Additional Notes

Just wanted to show that 2 pistons can be piggybacked and remain functional.

How it works...

When opening: power delayed to upper piston while lower piston is raised

upper piston must remain closed while it is raised or it won't move

When closing: power delayed to lower piston while upper piston is retracted

lower piston must not retract before upper piston closes

else the upper piston will not retract with the lower piston
Progress100% complete

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07/03/2011 6:16 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
i like the idea of a piston lift but im trying to make a lift that goes up and down, so you can press a button at the bottom to get to the top and one button at the top to get to the bottom.something for a redstone maniac i think lol
07/03/2011 5:58 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
I thought of this before, but didn't do it because one p;piston can't push 17 others
