Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

9C9B - Nine Chunks, Nine Biomes

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Level 30 : Artisan Geek
Hey guys, Jerah Callaghan here, and today I bring to you my first custom map. It's a survival map, with quite some challenges. It is called: 9C9B, which stands for Nine Chunks, Nine Biomes. As you can see in the picture there are nine 16x16x16 blocks of land. Each with it's own biomes, which I have created with SethBling's MCedit filter. You start off at the middle one: Plains. Then it's up to you, where you can go first. Here are some rules, followed by the challenges:

  1. Thou shalt not cheat.
  2. Thou shalt survive on said 9 chunks. Don't head for mainland.

  3. Thou shalt not give up.
  4. Thou shalt play on at least Normal Difficulty.
  5. Try beating the chunk challenges the way they are supposed to, not by randomly digging :]

  • Collect all wool colors.
  • Collect all nine Eyes of Ender
  • Collect the Error Items: Spade, Pick, Axe, Bow, Sword and Hoe.
  • Find the End portal (see update log #2)

  • Slay the Enderdragon.
  • Blow up the map Once finished.

Again, this is my first map. Don't be too hard on me :] Little tip, the spawn chunk is the only chunk that contains any resources.. So use them wisely!

Some other little tips, after seeing some let's plays:

There is no need to dye wool, every color is in the map.
There is also no use for redstone, gold and lapis.
Try making an enchantment table (yes, it's possible, but requires some thinking)
The mushroom biome is the most boring one, but supplies the most food
Try and save the Error Items for the fight with the ender dragon, that's what they are meant for :]

Oh yeah, ghasts may spawn on the Nether Chunk.. Yeah.. Goodluck ;D

If you like the map, or download it, please give it a diamond and show some support! Comments are welcome, of course! :D

Additional Notes

Ghasts may spawn on the Nether Chunk.. Yeah.. Goodluck ;D
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by Airadan 10/02/2012 7:43:09 amOct 2nd, 2012

Added my own sort of "Trailer/teaser"

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10/02/2017 2:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wow,map of 2012 and i'm playing in this map on 2017
10/08/2018 4:59 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Geek
Hope you had a bit of fun ;)
11/09/2012 7:39 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Playing solo, practice!

You my good sir, are absolutely evil with cave spiders!!! I have to use lava to kill them all but I've died literally dozens of times.
11/10/2012 4:33 am
Level 30 : Artisan Geek
It looks easier than it is, right? :P
11/10/2012 9:57 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Darn you ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasts!!!!
11/09/2012 4:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Uh, um a friend and I were wondering if we could do a video walkthrough of this map? I understand if you don't want us to . Please respond.
11/09/2012 7:06 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Geek
Of course you can! If it's good enough, I'll even put it up on the page :']
11/09/2012 7:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Thanks a bunch, I'll comment a link when it's up!
11/09/2012 7:37 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
I warn you, I'm new at this, it may not be the greatest level of "quality".
11/04/2012 4:21 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Diamond # 40 for you. Great idea!!
