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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
So a while ago I finally got the money to upgrade the RAM of my pc from 8 to 12 (shitty MB only has 2 RAM slots). As a result, Worldpainter no longer crashes and burns each time I try to make a world above 10K x 10K blocks.
So I could not resist the temptation, and made a map that's 20K in size.
It's survival friendly and populated.

Unfortunately for you, this is not a publicly downloadable map. The sample download is broken, and the full sized map is no longer available upon request.
I'm looking through backups for another version of the sample map.

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Ivain 12/17/2016 10:33:54 amDec 17th, 2016

Made a separate, 5K section of the map(1/16th of the whole), changed its ores and some spawning structures around.
There is now a sample download.

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03/10/2019 4:42 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Please fix the Download link
Clockwork Studio
12/17/2016 7:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
is it supposed that there are cracks everywhere in the world?
12/17/2016 9:13 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
cracks? you mean the cave openings, correct? that's intentional, since there need to be some decent caves.
if you think somethings not as its supposed to be, PM or tweet me a screenshot. I've alread had reports of villages systematically spawninf 30+ blocks in the air, so it needs to be fixed, but I'm not re-exporting the bigger map more than once
Clockwork Studio
12/17/2016 9:26 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
Look at Screenshot 6. There you can see... well, like someone randomly used //line 0 . Thats what i meant. Sorry for the unspecified comment xD
12/18/2016 4:58 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
oh you mean those cracks with dirt under them? its not something ingame?
That's a relief... Those cracks exist because Chunky hates the Grass Path block, and simply pretends it does not exist.
Clockwork Studio
12/18/2016 10:46 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
aaah! ok. got it. Then i need to say: NEAT work on that terrain! :D
12/17/2016 1:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wait so is the final download a 20x20 or a 5x5
12/17/2016 3:19 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
5K by 5K, because the full map is not something I'm putting up for public download. This map is originally meant for servers with an interest in unique factions maps, and as such I want it to remain somewhat limited.
12/17/2016 9:46 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
yay bigger maps :o
12/17/2016 9:22 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Was this full WM map before you bright to WP or is this shaped in WP?
WP is the lest of my issues regarding RAM
