Minecraft Maps / Other

A lobby build.

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MineBuilderKing's Avatar MineBuilderKing
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Yes, thats right, im alive! (a little)

so, i built this lobby for a norwegian server i'm playing on,
buildt it in around 3-4 weeks, didn't take notes of when i started...
I had many ideas for the lobby, but didn't have enough time, but i'm happy about the result.

there is no download because its made for a server, but i hope to get some feedback.

Upcoming project.
im also working on a new project that is a bitt bigger than i usually do, and a different style, it vil take some time to finish, and i vil try to get a downloade for it when it's finally done.

feel free to throw a diamond on this project, or even subscribe, for now, see u later!
Progress100% complete

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06/28/2017 7:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr_Liu's Avatar
Very nice map! Praise it
06/16/2017 12:57 pm
Level 25 : Expert uwu
Zoa's Avatar
LOL. DAT grammar doe.
06/16/2017 1:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
MineBuilderKing's Avatar
well, i never learnt english at school, so that might be the reason why.
06/16/2017 1:12 pm
Level 25 : Expert uwu
Zoa's Avatar
