Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

A Minecraft Cathedral to a massive scale!!

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Wizard
Hey guys! I haven't been posting any projects for quite a long time, so here a new one. It's a neogothic cathedral. The architecture and the geometry of the building are based on those of the famous St. Patrick's Cathedral located in New York City. Basically it's the biggest and the most known Catholic cathedral in the US. In my project, I combined making a replica and adding the features that are not present in the cathedral in the real life.
Here is some info on it right from wikipedia.org:The Cathedral of St. Patrick(commonly calledSt. Patrick's Cathedral) is adecoratedNeo-Gothic-styleRoman Catholiccathedralchurchin the United States and a prominentlandmarkofNew York City. It is the seat of thearchbishopof theRoman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, and aparish church, located on the east side ofFifth Avenuebetween 50th and51st Streetsinmidtown Manhattan,New York City,New York, directly across the street fromRockefeller Centerand specifically facing theAtlas statue.
I can't tell how long it took me to build up the cathedral, but I think it's worth it.
The building is 421 blocks long, 177 blocks wide and 250 blocks high which means that it taking the entire height of a minecraft world.
As for now, the building includes:
566142 Stonebrick blocks (Many of those are just placed by a mistake so the actual number is much more less!)
52239 Cobblestone Wall blocks
36468 Black Wool blocks
35265 Stonebrick stairs
15449 Chiseled Stonebrick blocks
2536 Iron bars
1868 Spruce Log blocks
995 Glass panes
496 Spruce Wood blocks
394 Stonebrick slabs
64 Spruce Wood stairs
Well, as you see, it makes sense that almost the entire Cathedral is made out of stone materials.

P.S.The update is gonna follow as soon as I have more progress on the interior. If you like my project, please give me a diamond, subsribe, fave and check out my other projects. Hope you're gonna find something cool for you there. And I'm really appreciating any comments. I'd really like someone to make cool "shadered" screenshots for this project and post them to me so I can upload them here instead of these horrible ones, my PC's system is unfortunately not good enough to make cool screenshots of huge projects.

Additional Notes

By the way, as far as I know, there isn't any good attempt to rebuild St. Patrick's Cathedral in Minecraft until now. Let me know If I'm wrong.
Progress50% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by RikudouCraft 10/12/2013 4:57:26 amOct 12th, 2013

Added two better screenshots!

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11/05/2013 5:41 am
Level 45 : Master Mage
this is outstanding, hope you will finish it soon.
10/21/2013 11:51 am
Level 46 : Master Architect
This is awesome :D You have a much larger scale to work from than i did :O. Mindblown
MadManOfTheMoon 95
10/13/2013 6:50 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
hi! have been serching through planetminecraft for amazing maps that I can turn into mob arenas with added beauty and I think that your map would be brilliant! I will give you credit for the origanal map if you let me edit it to fit what I want to use it for. please let me turn it into a map as a plan to use it on a server.... you would have a lot more people looking at your pages and you would become much more popular!

hope to hear from you soon
10/13/2013 1:05 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Geek
wow this is amazing diamond to you, but maybe you should add some gardens or something on the outside.
10/13/2013 1:51 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Wizard
Wow,I really appreciate your advice! Cool idea!
10/15/2013 6:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Geek
no problem
10/13/2013 12:14 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
I can't...I can't really describe how wowed I am by this. I really can't.
10/12/2013 9:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Why does this page only have 11 diamonds?

Also, DivineMedics sent me.
10/12/2013 9:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Archer
Amazing, btw if you want to know the actual number of stone bricks, you can find out in MCEdit..
^^Google if you don't know how..
10/13/2013 11:40 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Wizard
Oh, I actually used MCedit for finding out the amount of each block. I just meant that some of the blocks that are present in the building now are gonna be removed later due to the interior work. Even though thank you for your note!
