Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

a Romecraft City

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the sickle's Avatar the sickle
Level 21 : Expert Crafter
I got my inspiration from the city of romecraft project, and i think i did a pretty good job with the landscaping to mold the land like clay. I used too many items because it was hard to get all the stuff i needed since i started building a day after 1.6.
CreditStugace for the texture pack
Progress50% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by the sickle 10/08/2011 11:10:43 amOct 8th, 2011

added a few buildings and upgraded the legionnaire fort. added a trade ship under construction. also added farmlands that can be accessed by the station

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the sickle
09/19/2011 6:19 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crafter
the sickle's Avatar
please give feedback ;)
07/23/2011 5:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
For_Vietnam's Avatar
Nice! This is great with that Texture Pack.
08/10/2011 7:27 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
compdan's Avatar
he is using romecraft textures
the sickle
07/23/2011 5:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crafter
the sickle's Avatar
thank you
the sickle
07/21/2011 1:19 pm
Level 21 : Expert Crafter
the sickle's Avatar
go west from spawn point
