Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Aandovale Grove

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Level 70 : Legendary Architect
Time for a new project! I got a little bored of making castles and castle-like structures, so decided to try and do something different.

My idea for this one was to make some kinda giant valley with lots of trees and vegetation. I guess the theme would be more..nature-y, but I wanted some kind of buildings/structures to be around.

This took me a few weeks to build. I actually made the buildings before I really knew what I was going to do, they kinda helped shape my decision. Most of the time was just spent brainstorming and messing around with those structures, then I spent about a week on the terrain...grassing was fun.

I used the World Edit that comes with single player commands to make all of the terrains/trees/buildings. I really missed using voxel on this build heh, but I'm to lazy and whatnot to figure out how to set up a server and all that stuff soo I had to make do with World Edit.

Uhh..I guess thats about it. It's not 100% done, I have a few ideas I want to try and incorporate into the build sometime, but I need a break from this so that won't be for a little while. Also the buildings and stuff are pretty bare. Also, if anyone is wondering, the central structure can be accessed by the "vine" going up it, kinda tricky though. Comments/feedback/etc is appreciated!

Oh yeah,(because some one will ask!) default textures.
Progress95% complete

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04/18/2016 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wonderfull. This map is awsome, I was looking for some idea for my elv's map and this exactly what I need. The details are beautiful, thank you so much
07/15/2015 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
You´ve done a very good job on this!
12/06/2014 10:52 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman System
I saw this build in "The Big Book of Minecraft", which I purchased a few weeks ago. Finally got around to downloading it today. This is crazy beautiful, man. Just awe-inspiring. Your mountains and cilffs made me dizzy. When I download a new map, I always try to explore on foot for a while. Very challenging with this map! Eventually I gave in and started flying around. I don't know how you'd ever get into those hanging houses or the complex on top of the pillars if you were on foot. I found the staircase to the big central building, however, and walked around inside for a bit. Had to put some torches up, as it's quite dark inside. Glad I was in creative mode, as there were lots of monsters. Huge compliments to you, good sir.
12/10/2014 12:10 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it
Mine Maus Craft
06/01/2014 2:52 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
I love it!
06/01/2014 10:44 am
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
Thank ya
05/03/2014 10:20 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
400th Diamond ):D This map is fab.
05/03/2014 2:19 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
Thanks a lot!  Glad you like it
02/23/2014 3:59 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
Can I use this in a video/animation?
02/23/2014 11:20 am
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
