This Map is an entry in the completed PMC Server Spawn Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Agarencia [Floating History]

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General John's Avatar General John
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Engineer

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Please ask permission from me if you are going to be using this on your server. Thanks!

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Agarencia was a project that took roughly 4-5 days to build. It's mostly sandstone, with a lot of scenery/terraforming. Recommended texture pack is the Conquest pack. Although most of the screenies were taken with Default. Agarencia was built solo by me on the server Aeries SMP. If you would like to view the project live, join the server and type, /warp johnspawn

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-A lot of trees (overgrown affect) (read story)

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In ancient Minecraft Classic times, there was a clan that contained power, and extreme wealth. The clan was called Agarencia, with their home base and world as Planet Minecraft. Although wealth and power played a large role in the clan, a greater, more deceiving feat was displayed. A man named Steve. Steve was the lead builder in the Agarencia branch of Planet Minecraft. He would build and smite all of the extraordinary anvils, chisel all of the sandstone by hand, and most importantly, carve his nephew's face and head on the top of the portal back to Planet Minecraft. Paril was a deep inspiration to young Steve. All was plenty, and superb for the life of Steve. Until one day, the Kingdom was lost in a terrible earthquake. Earth broke apart in numerous pieces all across space. Although much of Agarencia is gone now, Steve knows the mainland of Agarencia is in a better place. Additionally, Steve knows the story will always remain one with us.

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(no world painter was used)

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12/20/2013 10:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Jpdsc07's Avatar
May I use This EPIC creation for my server ? I will give full credit =)
08/18/2013 9:06 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
IvIercenary's Avatar
I would like to use this as a Guild Hall on my server. please PM me
07/19/2013 10:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Toast
HMJ05's Avatar
Very nice build! May I use this for my server?
07/09/2013 11:42 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Gent
Freeman0676's Avatar
Best of luck John <3
07/09/2013 9:39 pm
Level 47 : Master Skinner
(imageaudio)'s Avatar
Wow this is amazing! I'd love to see this as a serve spawn!
07/09/2013 4:30 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Aflacked's Avatar
Probably my Favorite entry I've seen so far. I was the 100th Diamond :D
07/09/2013 4:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
riverius's Avatar
Wow. This is my favorite of all those i have seen. I hope thos one will win!
07/09/2013 3:01 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
FloatingZebra3's Avatar
I think we have a winner!
07/09/2013 1:22 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Creative_Bros's Avatar
07/09/2013 2:41 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Plienas26's Avatar
I would like to feature you for next week's best minecraft project show. May I use a portion of your video for your part of the feature? I will credit you in the video and link to this project and your youtube channel.

