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Here is Altaya, a tiny wild island in the middle of nowhere, with an outstanding wildlife and also a varied and sumptuous fauna, plenty of various ores, resources and vital energy.
Some foreigners went to this Island to settle a small base, they wanted to increase their power and they also wanted to gather some resources.
1892, we are at the very beginning of the industrialization process, and many scientists design and invent some new very powerful machines to assist the workmen in their tough gathering labor.
The ever-increasing need of resources leads to the unavoidably deforestation of the island, and maybe one day, there will not be any resources left, and the island will slowly suffocate and surely die.
In the mean time, the workers and the inhabitant gather themselves regularly in concealed places to discuss how to foment an efficient revolution, they all want to strike back against the evil corporation.
They replant some trees and other vegetables, and bring back to their houses some threatened animal species, in order to protect them.
The CEOs of the evil corporation use their huge vessel, the Turtle, to make deals, sales, and send the gathered ores to the rest of the world, they gain an insane income.
The big clock's aim is to remember people the remaining time before a compulsory exodus to a country far more welcoming than the current wasteland where they live.
The harbor, and the all the trading sales who happen here with foreign countries, is necessary for the survival of this tiny peninsula, and also helps to increase the corporation's power.
The train station is linked with another world full of new workmen, who will stand in for all the deceased workmen because of their hard labor.
The Corporation's boss has said yes to the arrival of a farmer, to feed the starving populatfrench traductionHidden content here!
Altaia, petite îles sauvage,recouverte d'une magnifique faune et flore, riche de ressources, de minerais et d'énergie vital.
Une population étrangére est venu coloniser se paradis pour dévelloper leurs puissances.
on est en 1892, c'est le début de l'industrillisation et de l'évolution des humains qui dévellope des machines pour exploiter les minerais et l'énérgie.
C'est le début de la déforestation et de la mort de îles. mais, les ouvriers des usines, habitants dans les petites maisons voulant préserver cette eden replante et sauvegarde la flore existante.
Les patrons des Mines utilise l'énorme tortue pour réaliser leurs transactions et échanger les minerais amasser avec le reste du monde.
La grande horloge rapelle au personnes combien de temps il reste avant le déménagement vers un monde moins stérile de ressource.
Le port est essentielle pour la survie de la péninsule et contribue à l'expenssion du marché de la l'ile.
La gare est connecter avec la terre ferme, qui améne des ouvriers qui remplaceront ceux qui n'ont pas survécu à leurs poste.
Les patron d'usine on accepté un fermier pour approvisionner la population.
cinematic ! :
map made in 20 day :)
made by mrstreetcreed
project finsh 11th place.
more render :
by NinamanOfficial: [url=imgur.com/LVNxfwB,yNqm9lf,u6PkicL,DuYKSPN#0
[/url]by crankerman : [url=imgur.com/a/Cj8Ii
[/url]by THuND3R : [url=imgur.com/a/0fY9Z
[/url]you don't use render for reupload or repost project.
Build review [FR] :
for made really good cinematic [FR]:
For follow mrstreetcreed
twitter: twitter.com/MrStreetcreed
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Mrstreetcreed
Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cthvzwHvKzO6QIi1LW2uw
Deviant: [url=mrstreetcreed.deviantart.com/
[/url]reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/mrstreetcreed/
do not use build this on your servers.
You have permission to use this for singleplayer/personal use
however uploading publicly to servers is not allowed.
if you still want to use this build for something send me a pm first before using it
go diamond, favorite and subscribe
Here is Altaya, a tiny wild island in the middle of nowhere, with an outstanding wildlife and also a varied and sumptuous fauna, plenty of various ores, resources and vital energy.
Some foreigners went to this Island to settle a small base, they wanted to increase their power and they also wanted to gather some resources.
1892, we are at the very beginning of the industrialization process, and many scientists design and invent some new very powerful machines to assist the workmen in their tough gathering labor.
The ever-increasing need of resources leads to the unavoidably deforestation of the island, and maybe one day, there will not be any resources left, and the island will slowly suffocate and surely die.
In the mean time, the workers and the inhabitant gather themselves regularly in concealed places to discuss how to foment an efficient revolution, they all want to strike back against the evil corporation.
They replant some trees and other vegetables, and bring back to their houses some threatened animal species, in order to protect them.
The CEOs of the evil corporation use their huge vessel, the Turtle, to make deals, sales, and send the gathered ores to the rest of the world, they gain an insane income.
The big clock's aim is to remember people the remaining time before a compulsory exodus to a country far more welcoming than the current wasteland where they live.
The harbor, and the all the trading sales who happen here with foreign countries, is necessary for the survival of this tiny peninsula, and also helps to increase the corporation's power.
The train station is linked with another world full of new workmen, who will stand in for all the deceased workmen because of their hard labor.
The Corporation's boss has said yes to the arrival of a farmer, to feed the starving populatfrench traductionHidden content here!
french traduction
Altaia, petite îles sauvage,recouverte d'une magnifique faune et flore, riche de ressources, de minerais et d'énergie vital.
Une population étrangére est venu coloniser se paradis pour dévelloper leurs puissances.
on est en 1892, c'est le début de l'industrillisation et de l'évolution des humains qui dévellope des machines pour exploiter les minerais et l'énérgie.
C'est le début de la déforestation et de la mort de îles. mais, les ouvriers des usines, habitants dans les petites maisons voulant préserver cette eden replante et sauvegarde la flore existante.
Les patrons des Mines utilise l'énorme tortue pour réaliser leurs transactions et échanger les minerais amasser avec le reste du monde.
La grande horloge rapelle au personnes combien de temps il reste avant le déménagement vers un monde moins stérile de ressource.
Le port est essentielle pour la survie de la péninsule et contribue à l'expenssion du marché de la l'ile.
La gare est connecter avec la terre ferme, qui améne des ouvriers qui remplaceront ceux qui n'ont pas survécu à leurs poste.
Les patron d'usine on accepté un fermier pour approvisionner la population.
cinematic ! :
NinamanOfficial : for awesome render :)
crankerman : for nice render :)
sak_kraft : for great ideas :)
server infinity-crafting : for support and great build server :) ip: mc.infinity-crafting.net
crankerman : for nice render :)
sak_kraft : for great ideas :)
server infinity-crafting : for support and great build server :) ip: mc.infinity-crafting.net
>world edit
>voxel sniper
>voxel sniper
map made in 20 day :)
made by mrstreetcreed
project finsh 11th place.
more render :
by NinamanOfficial: [url=imgur.com/LVNxfwB,yNqm9lf,u6PkicL,DuYKSPN#0
[/url]by crankerman : [url=imgur.com/a/Cj8Ii
[/url]by THuND3R : [url=imgur.com/a/0fY9Z
[/url]you don't use render for reupload or repost project.
Build review [FR] :
for made really good cinematic [FR]:
For follow mrstreetcreed
twitter: twitter.com/MrStreetcreed
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Mrstreetcreed
Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UC7cthvzwHvKzO6QIi1LW2uw
Deviant: [url=mrstreetcreed.deviantart.com/
[/url]reddit: http://www.reddit.com/user/mrstreetcreed/
Additional Notes:
do not use build this on your servers.
You have permission to use this for singleplayer/personal use
however uploading publicly to servers is not allowed.
if you still want to use this build for something send me a pm first before using it
go diamond, favorite and subscribe
Credit | crankerman,NinamanOfficial, sak_kraft, server infinity-crafting , |
Progress | 100% complete |
Tags |
9 Update Logs
Update #9 : by mrstreetcreed 07/30/2019 3:42:36 pmJul 30th, 2019
description modification.
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Hope you win :D