Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Amazing Server spawn, ready to download!

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TheEpIcExCaLiBuR's Avatar TheEpIcExCaLiBuR
Level 48 : Master Architect
This spawn was built by TheEpIcExCaLiBuR and Nikki_Norberg! We've spent many hours in building, planning, and configuring how the blocks shall be built and how the light shall be experienced inside the building! We are now letting you guys download it for free, just because we're kind people! :)

Building Lore: Thousands of years ago, the king of Maku'Ren ruled these lands. He was very religious and wanted to build a huge temple that he would use for meditation and praying. He put as many people as he could to build the temple for him, but even if he used such a great group of workers, it still took over 15 years before the building was complete.

The only problem he hadn't investigated further was that the grounds were already taken by other forces, though these forces were invisible. So when the temple was finished, the king of Maku'Ren ordered everyone to leave immediately, since he wanted to be alone and investigate his temple for himself, but while he did this, he noticed that something were wrong with these lands. Soon he got attacked by some invisible force and he got pushed into one of the fountains and held down under the water.

The king was found dead 2 days later, lying outside the temple drowned by the water in one of the fountains. After this incident, noone went to the temple again, in fear of being killed by unatural forces, but even if this happened thousands of years ago, the temple is still in the same shape as it was newly built.

The spirits does take care of it, and live in it. They killed the king to once again claim their lands, and got a very fine price as a payout. The spirits live on...

For you who doesn't come to the spawn directly can go to these coordinates: x: -86, y: 65, z: -124

NOTE! This build was released for everyone to use it if they want to! You do not have to ask me for it! Posted Image The only thing you have to do is to credit me for this build!

Additional Notes

Do you want an amazing building with an epic lore? Then this map is the right one for you!
CreditTheEpIcExCaLiBuR, Nikki_Norberg
Progress100% complete

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07/16/2019 9:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JayzPlayz10's Avatar
make scimatic
03/19/2019 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
b00m_b00m's Avatar
This is awesome thanks!
07/11/2018 11:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Cmen's Avatar
Hello, master! I like your work very much. May you allow me to use the spawn map in my server?
02/26/2018 4:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RightMc's Avatar
i tryed to tp to this loc x: -86, y: 65, z: -124 and didnt find anything only Jungle
05/11/2017 3:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HGOLucasAlt's Avatar
im using this goodbye lol
12/26/2016 8:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JanPlaysGames's Avatar
I hope you dont mind, but i am using this as my spawn for my Server. Public Server. I am in the midst of modifying it a little bit (some entries were not there). BUT. i do plan to plot down "Made by" and "Modified by" signs, right at the spawn, so anyone that enters, will see this. I will be placing it in immediate eye-sight.

You will not go unmentioned. I hope this is okay?
01/17/2017 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThunderHD123's Avatar
Whats your server IP?
01/23/2017 1:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JanPlaysGames's Avatar
Keep in mind. Everything is under development, so you may or may not see this map yet.
01/23/2017 1:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JanPlaysGames's Avatar
Sorry for the huge delay.. As promised. my server ip is flcplay.servegame.com (Dynamic DNS name only, not actual website)
12/26/2016 8:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JanPlaysGames's Avatar
Hearts and Diamonds to you!
