Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

An Abandoned Mine shaft 1.8.1

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miffy2damax's Avatar miffy2damax
Level 36 : Artisan Programmer
Wow! Right Next to spawn there is an incredible abandoned mine shaft! It's really cool to explore, has many caves, and even a massive crevice in there. After 30 min of exploring I found two chests, (Diamond and Iron mostly) and two spider spawners mixed in with cobweb. There is poor lighting and water pouring in, so I suggest using this seed in creative mode for exploring purposes, but this could be a really fun in survival! I myself want to explore this with friends on survival for a fun game. I have seen a lot of the mine, but have not found an actual entrance, just where it links up to a hole in the ground. Also, at the start, when you fall down the hole, there is water blocking the entrances, you will still easily see the entrances, but know that u need to light things up down there! Please, If you find an actual entrance post the coords. Have fun exploring, and do post coords of chests, spawners, or anything else you can discover in here! Have fun!

Additional Notes

Seed is 2572945
Coords of Entrance is

Have Fun!
Progress100% complete

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10/16/2011 8:16 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
shadowburst7's Avatar
I am going to do 404 with this
10/16/2011 8:19 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Programmer
miffy2damax's Avatar
That would be a great idea, I tried survival with a friend and was very hard. The Hunger was what got us, make sure to bring seeds down with you for an underground farm.
10/16/2011 8:28 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
shadowburst7's Avatar
i juts massed wood and slaughtered pigs and stuff
