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BlueKojiro's Avatar BlueKojiro
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Well, Golden Sun is just about one of my favorite games ever, including the sequel, The Lost Age, and it surprised me that a game based so much on cubic proportions (roughly speaking) was nowhere to be found on this site. I found a few videos on Youtube of a project that was in the process, but the videos all stopped about a year ago. Even though I am going off to college in the fall, I am going to do my level best to keep working on this.

It is so far going to be the entire world map from the first Golden Sun game, and I'd like to include the rest of the world from the sequel (which would be far more difficult, so I'll start with this). I'm basically crafting each section, starting with the smaller ones and working my way up, using MCEdit for landscapes and general formations, and then filling in any details I missed. The first two sections I've worked on were Alpine Crossing and Lama Temple, since they were very small, and I did try to put them roughly in geographical relation to each other as per the game's original map. I added some mountains as well. Lalivero I did just cuz it was small and did not place it in position to the other two places, but I figured with MCEDit I could save each piece and move them around to fit in the right places after they're all crafted.

For my proportions, I've tried to get it to be 1:1, but Golden Sun is weird, so I fudged a few of the dimensions, but it looks no different. The other thing is that it likes to pull the whole "bigger on the inside than the outside" deal, so I had to leave the inside of all the buildings so far fairly scarce. Meaning VERY scarce. But nothing important has been inside any of them at this point, so it should work fine.

Anyways, it's still a work in progress and I started about three days ago and have put about 10 to 13 hours into it so far.

For reference material I'm using this site for overviews of the areas:

And for the world map, I have this one:

The world map one is better viewed as a download file so you can use a variable zoom on it.

Update 0.2 >>> Finally finished all of Vault, including the underground portion. Linking them all in the right places was such a pain, but I managed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Right now Vault exists on a giant cube of dirt raised above the normal height level of a superflat world. I did this to make room for the caves underneath, and while I'm thinking about it, I'm probably going to go ahead and to the same thing to the rest of the world (raise it up a few dozen blocks, that is).

Additional Notes

If anyone wants to take the schematic and put their own work into it for me to look over, that would be cool too. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. I only care that it gets finished.

And for some reason the site won't let me use my link to dropbox.com, even though it says that it's a valid site. So, either way, here's the link.
Progress5% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by BlueKojiro 07/20/2012 3:12:10 pmJul 20th, 2012

Update 0.1 >>> Finally finished all of Vault, including the underground portion. Linking them all in the right places was such a pain, but I managed. IMPORTANT NOTE: Right now Vault exists on a giant cube of dirt raised above the normal height level of a superflat world. I did this to make room for the caves underneath, and while I'm thinking about it, I'm probably going to go ahead and to the same thing to the rest of the world (raise it up a few dozen blocks, that is).

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