This Map is an entry in the completed PMC Server Spawn Contest.

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Sublimity Gaming's Avatar Sublimity Gaming
Level 24 : Expert Architect
The staff team at Sublimitygaming is full of a small, but dedicated build staff. On the night before the deadline of the Planet Minecraft Spawn competition, we learned of the contest, and our team decided to not only push the limits of our build capability, but we challenged ourselves with the task of completing an award-winning spawn in under 24 hours. Using the tools we had at our disposal, improvising and creating our plans along the way among 15 different build members, we completed our entry to the PMC spawn competition in a hellish 12 hours (in a single sitting).

Arbothos is an ancient tree spawn elevated high above the ancient pools it stands upon. A spiral staircase leads players up to the MMORPG-inspired spawn buildings, surrounded by giant floating crystals. The spawn is designed to accommodate shops, a guest spawn location and a main spawn location, as well as room for adding overworld portals that lead to additional dimensions depending on the desire of whoever uses it. It is modeled after a mixture between fantasy World of Warcraft inspired architecture and classical themes, as well as late 19th century American design.

The spawn also houses a full-size pvp arena within its sewers so you and your server members can battle it out in style.

At sublimity, we believe that functionality is the primary priority for a spawn city structure. Because of this, Arbothos works completely in vanilla, not requiring any additional plugins to operate in any way. It is easy to use due to its flatland base, it does not require player warping to access the ground, and it is incredibly customizable as the buildings are empty and ready to be tailored to any server owner's desires. Not from PMC? Customize your spawn by making the twin logo's on both the open terraces to become anything you want.

Given more warning, we would have produced something more sizable, but sometimes the challenge of time constraint unlocks a level of creativity that we would have previously thought unattainable.


DanSyron, Shtibbeh, SoftOath, Malkierian, Niruoko, bitebooks, Ihazcheezcake, Actright, Doladyn, lordxalren, TheKarrot, Agboudreau, BigOlPancake, mr.zimberger, dark_mudkip

Feel free to use this on your server! It's designed to be functional and unique, and you'll be sure to draw many players in with it as a result.

Like what we do? Visit our server, which is chock full of loot-crammed dungeon raids, mmo-style classes and leveling, and a 100% hand-crafted custom map for you to explore. See you there!
CreditFaithful texture pack
Progress100% complete

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07/02/2016 3:49 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
lil2facee's Avatar
02/03/2015 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxGedaviaManxX's Avatar
using spawn. credit will be given! GG<3
04/11/2014 9:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Nett's Avatar
Very cool map! definitely will use it on your server. I recommend! a lot of the fun you've done a map for the server survival
03/16/2014 10:53 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Bobalaba's Avatar
Amazing Map! But I am having some issues with it on my server. I spawn underground in a cave. Any help?
12/31/2013 3:18 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dragonborn
Curdi's Avatar
Hi, I was just wondering if I could use this as my server spawn? I will put 5 signs saying that you guys built it right in front of the area the people teleport to when they join the server. :)

Diamond and Favorited also. :)

Grats on the Contest also. :)
07/22/2013 1:06 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Ninja
vpp20ice's Avatar
Thanks For Allowing Us To Use It On Our Server If You Want To Come See What We Have Done With It Join
07/23/2013 9:24 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Niruoko's Avatar
I will totally have to check it out!!
07/16/2013 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DanSyron's Avatar
Hey there, Dan here! I was the lead organizer and build leader for this project. If you have any questions or concerns about the project or any potential jobs for us and our build team, feel free to ask! This was a challenge as we decided to enter literally last minute, but considering our constraints, I hope it shows not only how efficient and cooperative our team was, but also the flexibility, ingenuity, and quick-fire creativity our staff and server has.
07/22/2013 3:51 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Ninja
vpp20ice's Avatar
We Might Have Future Jobs For You On And Good Luck On Winning The Contest U Guyz Have An Amazing Spawn And As You Can See It Is In Use On Our Server. :D
07/16/2013 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MSub's Avatar
I enjoy giant trees. There really needs to be a giant beautiful tree biome in minecraft. So anyways I love this spawn and sorta wish we had it on the server :3 Also giant floating crystals are always a nice touch, I love stuff like that.
