Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Atomo's TNT cannons (with MC World Record range at 215 blocks!)

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Level 40 : Master Ladybug
This pack of awesome TNT cannons comes with the following, (none of the designs were copied):
1. Basic cannon
2. Mini cannon
3. Two-sided cannon
4. 5-barrel cannon
5. Triple cannon
6. Super long range cannon
7. High-dive cannon
8. Controllable cannon
9. All-sided cannon
10. Anti-aircraft cannon
11. 16-barrel cannon
12. The Arrow
13. Minecart-powered cannon
14. Backfire cannon
15. Auto cannon
16. Multi cannon
17. Long range cannon (n.2)
18. World Record Cannon range!
19. World Record Cannon range 2!


Additional Notes


Be careful when reloading, you don't to blow up the cannons themselves.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

World Record Cannon Range! : by atomclk00 08/13/2013 9:28:10 amAug 13th, 2013

2 new cannons (+one destroyed in the process), both world record breaker for range at a maximum of 215 blocks.

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