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karsonkevin2's Avatar karsonkevin2
Level 42 : Master Droid
This will most likely never be finished and as such it has finally being posted.

The build is the result of work over multiple years of time.

It includes a terraformed island, city, barracks, castle, and house.

There are teleportation buttons between each location

The map is incomplete which means some parts are under construction.

Try and ignore some of the mistakes made by changing things through different MC versions: screwed up doors, water, and missing chunks.

Also, please try to ignore the lack of quality in the city, the barracks and castle are much more beautiful

Spoilers about map secrets below

  • Missing person
    Passageway accessed through a trapdoor in the fountain at the city gates. It exits through the theater

  • King's personal passageway
    Go to the castle, then descend, turn right into the alchemists? room. Behind the enchantment table there is a lever, pull it. Go out of the room and turn left onto the city walls and turn left. In the ground should be stairs descending. If one takes the passageway it exits through the statue and via underwater caves outside the city limits.

  • Priest's room
    Go to the enderman temple; the tall stone structure. Go inside and climb the ladder behind the enderman. At the top of the ladder walk around to the other side and continue climbing. This ladder should exit at the top balcony. While climbing the ladder their is a missing block in the wall, which, if angled correctly, a player can view a lever. Pull the lever and a small room will open up just below.

  • Sewage treatment
    If one jumps into the public sewer and goes to the outflow and down it will lead to a passageway. Alternatively one can get there by going into the mine, one of the last buildings before the bridge to the barracks. Then one should descend into the mine and will eventually find the same passage

  • The case of the Perching family
    Go underneath the natural arch that the city is built on. In the wall that is closer to the city there is a passageway. The passage leads to a room with their remains. The passageway continues to where a lever is pulled that accesses the main bedroom of their house

  • g
  • Alternative route to basement
    After entering the main basement a fountain should be clearly visible in a room filled with paintings. Submerge into the fountain and exit to the left. The passageway leads to a ladder that emerges in the desert courtyard

  • Sleeping complications
    In the basement continue through the painting room to the right room. Enter the room filled with beds. **This part may only be completed after "Entry to the cool clique." After entering go to the far wall and the middle bed. Sleep in it. After waking one should be in a corridor. To the right should be a secret exit into the main room. To the left should be the back of the first classroom. At the very back of the cave should be a ladder that exits into the jungle.

  • Entry to the cool clique
    To enter the room filled with beds in the basement one must complete some steps. First get an item that is throwable using Q. Descend into the fountain facing in the direction of where the room splits into two hallways, one right and one left. When at the level where the water flows straight throw the item and surface. If done correctly a door opening sound should be heard. Turn 90 degrees to the right to face the wall of paintings. Walk straight along the flowing water through the painting. Now walk around and into the room.

  • As in front, so behind
    In the painting room in the basement face to the right wall. Jump atop the wooden water barrier platform. Sprint jump 1 offset from center to either side and go through the painting. There should be some nasty buggers just as on the paintings.

  • Subterrean graveyard
    Proceed to the marsh courtyard. Follow the path that leads to the castle until there is a building straight in front. Walk around the left perimeter of the building until the corner with the library wall. Just underneath there is an entrance to a cave. In the cave there will be some coffins and will be a door to a passageway. The passage leads to a secret exit into the painting room.

  • Musty entryway
    In the basement go straight and turn left at the T-intersection. Turn left again. Make the first right into a very poorly lit storage room. Proceed straight to the double chest. To the right of it there is a hidden lever. Position accordingly and pull the lever. On the left side of the room a person-sized hole will open up into a passageway that affords access into the graveyard and into the painting room.

  • An upwards water view
    Go into the basement and turn left at the T-intersection. Go straight until the end of the corridor and turn right. Go straight and proceed through the painting. Pull the lever and go back outside. To the right should be an opening with a room revealed.

  • i
  • j
  • k

  • Prison
    Directly above the castle gates is a parapet with a tree protruding through it. On the balcony there is a hole that goes through to below.

  • b

  • Statuesque
    In the city at the theater proceed upwards and a very large stone statue should be visible. In front of the statue is a table with pressure plates, step on one. A passage should open up in between his legs.

  • Hideout - Watery
    Go to the city and go in the direction of the barracks. At the bridge turn right and follow the canyon and continue until there is a carved out area with waterfalls on the left. Go to the first waterfall on the left and go to where it empties at the bottom. There is a concealed entrance behind weeds.

  • Hideout - Lake
    Teleport to the barracks and turn to face the city. Follow the river to the left until a cobblestone structure. To the left should be a small lake. Where the cliff face, a yellow flower, and a tree all meet is a concealed entryway to the hideaway.

  • Prismarine geode
    Teleport to the barracks and turn to face the city. Follow the river to the right until the waterfall into the ocean. In the middle of the waterfall in the rocks near the bottom should be an opening into a small room.

  • A navigators mystery
    Go to the coordinates 400 110 300

  • Hideout - waterfall
    Go to the waterfountain at the city. From there head directly towards the giant tree and continue in that direction until a waterfall comes into site. On the far side of the waterfall in the rocks is a room.

  • g
  • h
Progress70% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by karsonkevin2 05/03/2015 1:44:49 pmMay 3rd, 2015

  • Added content spoilers
  • Fixed some missing chunks
  • Fixed terrain smoothing errors
  • Fixed water flow errors
  • Created 2 1/2 boats
  • Redid hotel and alchemist's
  • Fixed broken redstone
  • Enhanced city paths and renovated some buildings
  • Added more pictures
  • Added mobs (passive)

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04/19/2015 8:46 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Wnisewond's Avatar
me likes
04/19/2015 8:14 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
This is some excellent work so far!  Keep it up, my friend!  ;)
04/19/2015 8:11 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
mick_5's Avatar
Wow this is an amazing piece of work
04/19/2015 6:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
TeamEGN's Avatar
Great job! Looks amazing.
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