Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Automatic Cobblestone / Stone / Smooth Stone Generator (19k items/h)

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IA_Des's Avatar IA_Des
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
A few months ago, I built a smooth stone generator to assist me in my survival world.
The generator can produce Cobblestone, Stone and Smooth Stone automatically.

To start the machine, just flick the two levers.
The type of block generated can be chosen at will by right clicking on the note blocks.
Blocks are stored inside shulker boxes.

The Generator simply destroys Cobblestone using tnt duping before smelting it. Following the same method, the farm can be expanded by placing more furnace and adding one or more cobblestone generator core.

The current rate of the farm is about 1 shulker box every 3 to 4 minutes
Progress100% complete

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03/30/2024 10:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
In your schematics, One of the pistons is not pushing the observer, there is no power

This redstone is not powering on

03/31/2024 7:24 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
IA_Des's Avatar
just checked the circuit.
This line is only powered when items are flowing into the system (dropper detection). The button is only for shulker clearing.

I admit however that this shulker loader design is not the best.
03/31/2024 5:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
Anyway to fix this? Because sometimes the shulker doesn’t go into the hopper and get stuck and despawns
04/01/2024 12:53 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
IA_Des's Avatar
look at the picture you sent :
there is a repeater at the left side pointing into a smooth stone block. same thing at the right side. They power the pistons.
For quick fix, you can add a redstone line connecting the two smooth stone blocks. All three pistons should be activated at the same time.

Alternatively, you could choose to build another shulker loader with a capacity of 6 hopper speed. using 6 simple shulker loader in parallel would solve that.

PS :
1) i am currently working on a massive stone generator for my survival map. I may upload it after I finalize it (+ survival build). it may be available in a few weeks.

2) if you want, we can discuss of the farm in discord. In that case, send me a private message.
04/02/2024 4:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
My discord is xxzekxx58, I actually sent a friend request to your discord
01/27/2024 6:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
How do you place the tnt without the tnt going off. Also the tnt duper doesnt even work
01/28/2024 3:41 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
IA_Des's Avatar
To build the tnt duper, you need to assemble the two parts represented below using a piston. otherwise the tnt ignites. [​detector rail under minecart]

tnt duper before assemblyThe first push of the piston will assemble the duper. After this initial push, extending the piston will cause a tnt to be launched in the air while not consuming the placed one.
The farm was built in Java edition. Therefore the duping parts (tnt + carpet) may vary from version to version. If not working, I encourage you searching for a fix on bedrock.
03/27/2024 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
Also is there a way to upgrade it so it can produce more?
03/29/2024 3:49 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
IA_Des's Avatar
You can upgrade it a bit by adding a row of cobblestone generators at the bottom (1 layer under the place where tnt explodes).
Adding a 3x4 wall of glazed terracota ( or any slime block immune block) can also helped with consistancy. Here is a picture :
updated cobblestone generator
03/29/2024 3:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4994142G's Avatar
Like how do you upgrade it?
