Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Automatic Mangrove Wood Farm 1.20

  • 4,361 views, 3 today
  • 657 downloads, 0 today
Level 59 : Grandmaster Lego Builder Pixel Painter
*(Free World Download Map)* *(Free Schematic Download)*
Version: 1.20

You can replace the blackstone blocks, slabs and stairs with others that you want.
A cordial greetings to the entire community!

- Fill the chests with bonemeal before turning on the farm.

- For the farm to work, the clock on the bottom and the power lever must be activated.

- Once the farm is turned on, crouch at the sign that says, " ENTER HERE "
and point towards the dirt block as shown in IMAGE 9

- !!! To make it fully automatic press right click and F3+T when u put the sapling !!!
Progress100% complete

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