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diamondsquid's Avatar diamondsquid
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter

Battle Craft

Battle Craft is a new series of multiplayer, pvp maps. Inspired by Team Fortress, it revolves around evenly matched teams (Red and Blue) duelling it out in one of 10 arena maps. There are 10 classes to choose from including:
  • Warrior
  • Ranger
  • Ninja
  • Mage
  • TNT Expert
  • and more..

Each class is unigque and has advantages and disadvantages when in certain positions. There are also 10 different Game Modes, you can choose to play. Each arena is already prepared to be played in any of the game modes. These modes may involve a no-respawning law, strong co-operative gameplay or feirce head to head battle between teams. Some of the game modes include:
  • Deathmatch (Team Deathmatch)
  • Onslaught (Co-op against enemy mobs)
  • Hunt (All vs 1 player)
  • Capture (Capture the flag)
  • Demolish (Destroy the enemy base)
  • and more...

The rules are easy to understand and it is all built into the map, so no need to download any boring text files to find out the time-limit on your Deathmatch game. These maps are designed to be fun, so if you dont like any of the rules, or something doesn't fit your play style, then change it. I'm not going to come to your house and arrest you for not playing my maps propery.

This is my checklist for what to do:
  • Deisgn the class chests
  • Design the bonus chests
  • Design the Conrol Points
  • Design the flags
  • Design the spawning area
  • Build schematics for all of the above
  • Design the Swamp Base
  • Design the Village Base
  • Design the Caverns Base
  • Design the Ocean Base
  • Design the Island Base
  • Design the Nether Base
  • Design the Desert base
  • Design the Stronghold base
  • Design the End Base
  • Design the ????? Base
  • Build schematics for all of the above
  • Build the Swamp Map
  • Build the Village Map
  • Build the Caverns Map
  • Build the Ocean Map
  • Build the Island Map
  • Build the Nether Map
  • Build the Desert Map
  • Build the Stronghold map
  • Build the End Map
  • Build the ????? Map
  • Ask the commenters for the final map idea

Also I thought it would be nice to ask the commenters what map they want for he final map.

So, what do you guys want for the final map?

P.S. The downloads and extra pictures will come after the creation of each map
Progress30% complete

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02/02/2012 4:30 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
linkcoolman22's Avatar
u fucking copyer
11/05/2011 10:03 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
diamondsquid's Avatar
Anyone know how do remove the 'rn' that comes up?
