Minecraft Maps / Complex

Borough of Seafield

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RainboSandvich's Avatar RainboSandvich
Level 21 : Expert Pig
Introducing the Borough of Seafield!

UPDATE 22/09/2017: As of today's update I will no longer be using 1.8.9, but the latest version! Prepare for new textures and End-objects!

Seafield is a map I have made in creative mode (v. 1.8.9), that began as the one town of Seafield, and has since spread into a borough and greater region! There is a mix of architectural styles and general atmospheres in the towns. There are six major areas in all, of which two are in the planning stages, 2 are partially-built, and 2 are virtually-completed.

Please consider following me on tumblr, or viewing my tagged/minecraft to get updates on my buildings in Seafield!
http://minecraftsandvich.tumblr.com/ - SFW
http://rainbowsandvich.tumblr.com/tagged/minecraft - The tag is SFW, but the blog isn't!

Seafield is a former mining town and swamp/bayou community. It is quaint and distinctly small-town. Though mixed, it is mainly inspired by Louisiana. Though I occasionally change things, construction is complete.

Riverside & Baffinville
Riverside is a commuter town built atop a vanilla-Minecraft style village that I constructed; Baffinville is a tiny woodland town, under the Riverside & Baffinville council. They are mostly complete.

Endfield is an industrial town, and the administrative capital of the Borough of Seafield, so has county council and courthouse buildings. Though mixed, it is mainly inspired by London and Essex. It is partially complete.

Nae Adami
Nae Adami is a futuristic city and technological hub. There is a lot of building density, due to the strongly-imposed green belts on the edge of the desert, to satisfy Nae Adami's "ecological imperative". Nae Adami has many sources of inspiration in modern cities and science fiction! It is currently under construction.

Ruffin City
Ruffin City is a New-York style city, with strong art-deco, art-nouveau, and modern styles. It is currently under construction.

Minedow Oblast
Minedow Oblast is a retro-futuristic city and authoritarian nightmare. It is very grand, very gritty (in other areas), and the government is the heart and soul of the command-economy and culture. It currently does not exist.

Solace Peak
A new and previously unplanned town. Solace Peak is inspired by Silent Hill, as well as the Lovecraftian city of Ib. A dilapidated mining town built atop bizarre and ancient ruins. It is currently under construction.
Progress55% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by RainboSandvich 08/29/2018 4:38:15 pmAug 29th, 2018

Hello all!

It has been a long time since my last update! In that time I have begun and finished a masters degree and started my career out there in the world, sadly not as an architect or urban planner but exciting nonetheless!

Anyway, without further ado:

  • Modified Seafield Hospital and finished the accident and emergency department
  • Finished the new Seafield Metro Station, and redeveloped the old one into a museum and a restaurant
  • Built the Caladan Theatre

  • Developed more infrastructure in Ruffin City, including a new road tunnel

  • Connected Solace Peak to the rest of the map, and began building the infrastructure there

  • Built huge new housing developments in Endfield
  • Built the Endfield police station
  • Built the New Haarlem neighbourhood and surrouding docklands
  • Built a trailer park
  • Redeveloped some green spaces
  • Finished the Portishead Wharf outlet mall

  • Added some street furniture and urban decay to Wiltshire

  • Developed more infrastructure in Baffinville

  • Added some new little farmhouse looking cottages to Riverside

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11/10/2018 3:51 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
DRACOS03's Avatar
What is the link with the "soviet" tag ?
12/20/2018 2:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pig
RainboSandvich's Avatar
Hi, when I originally uploaded this city, I planned to design several different cities. One of them, Minedow Oblast, is a city I planned to have that sort of feel. I haven't yet got round to building it much past a couple of empty buildings, unconnected in the north of the map. I'm only working on it myself in my free time!

For now, the original town of Seafield has an interesting political counterculture that I've included in some easter eggs around the town!
03/01/2017 6:18 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Architect
Xoyjaz's Avatar
I get it :)
03/01/2017 7:19 am
Level 21 : Expert Pig
RainboSandvich's Avatar
cool :D
