Minecraft Maps / Complex

Bunker Battle PvP (V0.2.1) - By Ethron97

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Ethron97's Avatar Ethron97
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
Hello! And welcome to Bunker Battle PvP. This is a game that I thought of and began construction on over half a year ago. In the recent months I have been on and off working on it, and I figured I would finally post it somewhere for other people to (hopefully) enjoy with their friends, just as I have with mine!

Start game/select teams:
Before you hit the "ready" switch, make sure everyone knows what team they are on. You can decide the teams on your own, but if you want the teams to be random you can hit one of the buttons next to the ready switch. These will announce (in chat) who is with who. NOTE: It will sometimes pick the same person, for example: Ethron97 is with Ethron97! Or something, so you may have to hit the button a few times for it to work.

When everyone is ready and they know what team they are on, flip the ready switch (once, spamming it may cause issues). After a few seconds the iron doors will open leading to some pressure plates. Go into the one that is your color and step on all the plates. This will teleport you to a small room with another pressure plate and an enderchest. The enderchest is in case you want to store some extra bows or other items so you can instantly spawn with them. This is the room your spawn is set in. When you want to enter the game step on the pressure plate. This will gear you up with full chain mail and a stone sword. There is no way to get better armor in this game, other than power-ups.

How to play:
Now that you know how to start the game, how do you play it? Above where you spawn is your team's Obsidian. Each side has 8. Your goal is to prevent the enemy from infiltrating your bunker and breaking your obsidian, and at the same time try and destroy your opponents obsidian. First team to destroy all the enemies obsidian wins. Each side has 3 walls. The walls gets higher and thicker as it goes deeper into your bunker. On these walls are chests with bows, arrows, blocks, redstone, dispensers, vines, ladders, and much more to help you build and defend.

Power ups:
In the middle of the map there are some stair ways made of half slabs. When you reach the top of these there is a button above you. If the lamp is on, you may hit that button and a power up will be given to you. These power ups can be anything from golden apples to enderpearls. Use them wisely as the non-stackable power ups are more rare!
Spoiler - click to show where the powerups are

Diamond Picks:
At the center of the map, along with lava pools and power ups, are 2 pressure plates, one on either wall, next to the lava pools. If the lamps above the pressure plate is on, you can step on it to collect a 1 time use diamond pick. Use it to destroy the enemy obsidian.
Spoiler - click to show where to get the diamond picks

The Timer:
Because this map can take some time, I decided to add a timer that would announce the time passed every 10 minutes. Every 10 minutes, as well as telling the time, some sort of event will happen. It will say in chat what the event is. For example, after 20 minutes of playing, a 2x2 of lava will poor into the very middle of the map. As well as lava, other things like tnt can fall. The most important thing is the fact that as the game progresses, the diamond picks you collect will begin to get efficiency, to help the game progress faster. Near the end of the game, the picks get efficiency 5.

What version of minecraft should I run this on?:
In the current state the map is in, you should run it on 1.7.2+
Running it on anything older than 1.7.2 will result in most of the games functions not working.

New way to play!
If you want to play this minigame WITHOUT bows and arrows, use this world download! Why would you not want bows and arrows? It forces players to completely rethink their strategy in defending and attacking, and overall makes it a new game!
Download: www.mediafire.com/download/sdbr77xaqw27m0c/Bunker+Battle+V0.2.1%28no+bows%29.zip


Additional Notes

CreditThanks to NoName674, BigBlaster10, mr_bumps, Ninjawins84, Cobblestone172 and thebestkiller for helping me test.
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update V0.2.1 : by Ethron97 01/25/2014 12:02:06 pmJan 25th, 2014

Fixed problem where stepping on diamond pick pressure plate sometimes wouldn't give you a diamond pick.

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