Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Caelus Motors CR-15 Biplane

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
Manufactured by the Caelus Motors Corporation, the CR-15 is the backbone of the Caelus Airforce. Nicknamed the "Two" by her pilots, the CR-15 has become a common plane to see in Caelus

Twin V8 Turboprops
Two 50 cal. machine guns
Crew of two - one pilot, one gunner

Fun Fact: It is reported that more than 200 CR-15s have gone missing over the past three years. There have been reports from sailors of CR-15s being used by pirates.

Texture Pack: DokuCraft Light

Schematic coming soon
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by OfficialChunkyCraft 09/07/2011 6:24:47 amSep 7th, 2011

Added Schematic Download. Knock yourselves out

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09/12/2011 6:13 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
I like this. I'm gonna try to fly it with the zeppelin mod.
09/12/2011 7:44 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
Thanks, I've been doing that a lot :D
