Minecraft Maps / Other

Capture the Record

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
This map is dedicated to those at youtube.com/user/creepersden. I haven't treated them
as well as I should have.

I don't know who invented capture the record but it was something I did with CreepersDen

Capture the Record is a game much like capture the flag but in minecraft form. Both
sides spend a set amount of time (determined by players, 10 minutes by default) to
build up a base to secure a jukebox with a music disk inside, using the supplies provided
or nearby. Teams can consist of 1v1 to 100v100 (have fun with that).

This map was made via single player commands. Everyone spawns at the top of the mountain
where teams are decided. Each team can assault the other team by going over the mountain
or under it. Inside the mountain are various chests with supplies inside to aid the
players. It is suggested that each team uses their own voice communication
(private skype calls, vent/teamspeak/mumble servers/rooms).

Game rules can be altered by users if everyone agrees. Default rules of winning is best
2 out of 3

If you record on this map, I would be more than happy to know so that I might post the
video here.
Progress100% complete

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03/21/2012 5:52 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pony
03/22/2012 4:47 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Thanks man :)
03/22/2012 6:01 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pony
dog treats is still my fav mod. :)
03/19/2012 5:22 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Ninja
nice one bro :)
03/19/2012 5:27 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Thank you :)
