Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Card Wars; A PVP Map [Discontinued for the meanwhile..]

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thedanster7000's Avatar thedanster7000
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
This is a Minecraft remake of the Adventure Time game 'Card Wars'. In this there will be a Controller, who pays EXP to release various mobs, bosses and player soldiers! The General fights on the battlefield with their assistant player soldiers. They can buy random items, golems and pay to open buildings (such as 'The Cave of Solitude :D) with EXP. This WILL use a texture pack and will be filled with loads of MC Edit goodness. Keep an eye on this post if you want to play it when the download is released! What time is it? Adventure Time! Packed with custom mobs, bosses and items, this will *hopefully* be great fun *to kill your friends on*! Test games are currently underway! Map will *hopefully* be available for download next week!

Additional Notes

Recommended 2-4 players but can be played with 2+ players (to any limit)!
Progress20% complete

2 Update Logs

Gone! : by thedanster7000 12/04/2013 6:30:50 amDec 4th, 2013

OK, the hard drive with the map and all its backups crashed, so we're having to start again. D:

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05/26/2013 12:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GGBro's Avatar
Dude i can join your test game
05/26/2013 2:07 am
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
Maybe, I've already found a bunch of people to do it with (sorry). But, they might not be able to do it and you might be able to.
05/25/2013 8:44 am
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
Getting closer to finishing.. BUT will be doing test games.
05/24/2013 2:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GGBro's Avatar
Dude You Mind MAking the map Faster i am getting impatient
05/24/2013 10:33 am
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
Sorry man, this may take a while; I've only really been working on it for a few days, I'll try to get in done quickly, or I could set up auditions for test games. Anyway, maps take time to make, please don't tell me that you're getting impatient the day after I announce that I'm making it.
05/23/2013 10:35 am
Level 27 : Expert Goblin
thedanster7000's Avatar
This is till in the making - comment if you've any ideas for it!
