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I had created some time this card. As a user of the "Brauhaus hoping Server" I was allowed to build a fortress in Italy. This I did with gamemode.
Since I always like replacements games and activities in my building so I realized some things here.
1. A hidden object game I have hidden items that are output by Commando block. The items are more or less well hidden. So CIR. 7 are real hard nuts.
2. Connect Four. Follow the instructions and have fun.
3. chess. In a very epic space.
4. Ludo. With a cool cubes. (Redstoneschaltung)
5. Monopoly. A slightly different version. The cube is working here with pigs. And Redstone ...
The download is offered with a clock to prevent the fire spreading, the spawn is set, it remains beautiful weather and you abide in Game Mode 2. Sure, you can work around. Spoils the game ball.
1. Game Mode you can turn on the map itself. (Very well hidden!)
2. A jump and run.
3. Behind the scenes as the two dice work.
4. A small apartment somewhere down by the harbor which you can also find very difficult.
Move inside the fortress.
2 minecart routes and dozens of elevators.
Animals and apples you can find.
The lighthouse is working! There is a Redstone circuit inside.
Since I always like replacements games and activities in my building so I realized some things here.
1. A hidden object game I have hidden items that are output by Commando block. The items are more or less well hidden. So CIR. 7 are real hard nuts.
2. Connect Four. Follow the instructions and have fun.
3. chess. In a very epic space.
4. Ludo. With a cool cubes. (Redstoneschaltung)
5. Monopoly. A slightly different version. The cube is working here with pigs. And Redstone ...
The download is offered with a clock to prevent the fire spreading, the spawn is set, it remains beautiful weather and you abide in Game Mode 2. Sure, you can work around. Spoils the game ball.
1. Game Mode you can turn on the map itself. (Very well hidden!)
2. A jump and run.
3. Behind the scenes as the two dice work.
4. A small apartment somewhere down by the harbor which you can also find very difficult.
Move inside the fortress.
2 minecart routes and dozens of elevators.
Animals and apples you can find.
The lighthouse is working! There is a Redstone circuit inside.
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6 Update Logs
Update #6 : by Firesword1978 09/27/2024 10:25:13 amSep 27th, 2024
Auf Version 1.20.1 geprüft und geupdatet
Das Minispiel Itemsuche läuft zu 100% im Singleplayer Modus, und teilweise in mehrspieler Modus. Alle Commandblöcke für diesen Modus wurden ersetzt. Dadurch ist eine hohe Performens der Map gewährleistet.
Das Minispiel Schach lief beim Test nur im OP Modus.
Tested and updated to version 1.20.1
The item search mini-game runs 100% in single player mode, and partially in multiplayer mode. All command blocks for this mode have been replaced. This ensures high performance of the map.
The chess mini-game only ran in OP mode during the test.
Das Minispiel Itemsuche läuft zu 100% im Singleplayer Modus, und teilweise in mehrspieler Modus. Alle Commandblöcke für diesen Modus wurden ersetzt. Dadurch ist eine hohe Performens der Map gewährleistet.
Das Minispiel Schach lief beim Test nur im OP Modus.
Tested and updated to version 1.20.1
The item search mini-game runs 100% in single player mode, and partially in multiplayer mode. All command blocks for this mode have been replaced. This ensures high performance of the map.
The chess mini-game only ran in OP mode during the test.
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Sorry for the bad english, i translate this by google.