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Transcendence Minecraft Project1.20.6 Survival Server12.7k 3x 11Transcendence Project 5/31/23 10:38 • posted 5/23/20 12:13
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Castle Beaumont is the centerpiece of the Beaumont Dynasty and Lothien Empire. It is intimidating in its sheer size, and it is fairly new with regards to the lifespan of castles. The Beaumont family had it built after they won the Thousand Year War and united the warring kingdoms under a single banner. That was 100 years ago. The current Emperor has more trouble things to worry about than petty squabbles amongst kings...
Current Location: Capital District, World of Lothien, Transcendence Survival Server
Builders: lucasmello777, Lord_Omen, Andrewpioneer, Kristoffer_Stark
Discord: [Transcendence Project Discord]
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Credit | lucasmello777 - Builder |
Progress | 60% complete |
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by Transcendence Project 12/24/2020 12:05:44 amDec 24th, 2020
Added some updated photos of the Castle. We had started working on the Harbor District more including doing a massive underwater terraforming and removing a land mass to open up the Royal Port.
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