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Rwaclette's Avatar Rwaclette
Level 26 : Expert Toast
© Cerberus | Build made by Rwaclette

For those who don't remember what is Cerberus, Cerberus is, in the Greco-Roman Mythology, a monstrous multi headed dog, who guards the gate of the underworld, preventing those who manage to travel the Styx from leaving.

This my, and only mine, vision of Cerberus.
In my opinion, it's a three-headed beast whith a thick thin, Imposing fangs and among which some look like those of a snake, and the thing that probably isn't in everyone thinking, it's that I think that Cerberus is totally blind, without eyes !

I'll explain this particularity: Underworld is dark and really hot. Even if a dog sees better that us in the darkness, the heat deforms the image, and would certainly burn its eyes at the end of a few years spent in hell. Given that is in hell for more than 3000 years, so its orbits probably are totally burnt and the skin certainly already covered them.

Considering your asks, Cerberus is now downloadable, but be aware, there are use restrictions :

1. You only can use this build as personal use ! All rights are deposed and any server using this build will have to pay for it to the autor to be allowed to keep using it or will have to delete it immediatly.
2. You can present it on YouTube, but if you're making money with the build, whatever the situation, a demand for rights using abuse will be send to YouTube and you'll have to pay a percent on the money you made to the autor.

If you want to buy rights for Cerberus, or if you want to use it in a time frame, message me.

If you liked this build, please diamond, comment and subscribe :)

See ya,


Pour ceux qui ont oublié ce qu'est Cerbère, Cerbère est, dans la mythologie Greco-Romaine, un énorme et monstrueux chien possédant plusieurs têtes, dont le rôle est de garder la porte des enfers et d'empêcher les morts qui ont réussi à traverser le Styx de s'en échapper.

Voila donc MA vision de Cerbère, et elle n'engage que moi.
Selon moi, Cerbère est un chien à 3 têtes (dans certains documents il est évoqué avec 50 ou 100 têtes) avec une peau très épaisse, des crocs imposants, dont certains ressemblent à des crocs de serpent, et pour finir, il est aveugle, que beaucoup vont surement critiquer, mais laisser moi expliquer ce détail.

L'Enfer est décrit comme un monde très chaud et obscure. Même si un chien voit mieux que nous dans l'obscurité, la chaleur déforme l'image, et lui brûlerait très surement les yeux au bout de quelques années passée dans l'enfer. Etant donné qu'il y est depuis plus de 3000 ans, il se doit même plus lui rester les orbites, et la peau les a surement déjà recouverts.

Si vous avez apprécié ce build, Diamonez, commentez et abonnez-vous ;D

A la prochaine,
Progress100% complete

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11/21/2017 4:55 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
usandlew's Avatar
so freaking amazing. Would love to use it on my server for a personal build.. but its too big. Its the one and only build of cerberus i have seen. So freaking amazing. Any smaller you would not have been able to get that details. 10 diamonds if i could.
12/20/2017 9:52 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Rwaclette's Avatar
Thanks dude ! It's true that it lacks myths themed builds ! ;) I'm glad if you like it though !
Could have done it smaller, but that would have been...less impressive haha

Thank you for your diamond ! :D
06/20/2016 7:33 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
iicoffeemugs's Avatar
06/21/2016 3:43 am
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Rwaclette's Avatar
Hm, with my knife and my cock :O And a lot Voxel and WorldEdit :3 hahaha

Thanks for your diamond ;D
06/20/2016 2:00 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
Blakest's Avatar
I love greek mythology, this is so cool.
06/20/2016 2:05 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Rwaclette's Avatar
Yup ! I love all mythologies, you may see lot of references bewteen myths and my builds c:
06/20/2016 1:07 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
shanewolf38's Avatar
Awesome! :D
06/20/2016 2:04 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Rwaclette's Avatar
Thank you :D
06/19/2016 11:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
heromode's Avatar
free download ??
06/20/2016 2:03 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Rwaclette's Avatar
Considering you've been 4 to ask me, yes, I'll make it downloadable for free, but not without use restriction, please be aware.

I'll set the use conditions in the description ;D
