Minecraft Maps / Other

Chernobyl Mod - Nuclear Apocalypse

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Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Help Needed:

This mod is still in the very early stages of development. I am looking for some backup coders since I am alone at the moment. If there is anyone out there that would like to help. Please prove to me, in any way, that you at least know the java basics.

About the Mod:

This mod will let players go through a complex journey through the world that is in devastation. Mutants all around. Nobody around but you (unless in Multiplayer). You must fight to survive. Every moment is crucial. This mod contains features such as Steel Ingots, Ore, Block, AK47, Mutant Creatures, and much much more. You will have to discover it for yourself.

Features We Have Yet to Add:

1. Nuclear Bombs
2. Random Generating Cooling Towers + "Amusement Parks"
3. Mutant Creatures
4. Most Guns
5. Working Ammunition
6. All Radioactive Tools
7. Storyline
8. Mutant Boss
9. User Suggestions

Like to the Mods Page:
Coming Soon!
Progress15% complete

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09/06/2014 7:02 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Magical Girl
in reality, nuclear bombs don't make massive craters. they flatten areas, making a fuck ton of land around it radioactive and uninhabitable.
08/21/2019 2:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yes. unless the nuke is planted underground.
08/21/2019 7:00 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Magical Girl
Yeah, well, 1. you replied to a FIVE YEAR OLD comment, and 2. underground nuclear devices usually excise a huge cavern in the limestone or bedrock or whatever, a crater will only form if it is sufficiently close to the surface.
