Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

City of the Dead - CANCELLED

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Jordanw5432's Avatar Jordanw5432
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox

City of the Dead (or CotD for short) is a project I'm currently working on that's mostly based around the zombies mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops II with a hint of State of Decay. CotD takes place in a fictional city of the 60s known as Vidalia, as its overrun by undead. Only four survivors now remain; John Grondin, Anthony Ritter, Andria Nolan, and Greg Smith. Can they find a way to escape Vidalia for good, or is there more to Vidalia than they think...

I am sad to say that this project will NOT be available for download anytime soon, due to my horrible Mac.

Next map : Le Jour de Feu
Progress20% complete

16 Update Logs

Update #16 : by Jordanw5432 03/24/2017 11:29:59 pmMar 24th, 2017

-Completed, added, and removed a LOT of things, including a flipped bus, a half-destroyed building, the 'Ritter Factory' interior, background buildings, etc.

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the gambler
01/18/2017 7:14 pm
Level 41 : Master Imposter
the gambler's Avatar
This map looks sweet. was it made with mcedit or by hand?
01/18/2017 7:20 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
All made by hand
01/04/2017 5:54 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
What's with the teleporter room being removed and re-added? XD
01/04/2017 8:03 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Well I was going to add it where I did in the original (a secret room beneath the drug store), but I realized I screwed up on not only making an entryway, but also on changing the flat world so it isn't only 4 blocks tall. So I just kind of gave up, but then I realized that if you were going to go to Toriel Park/the Ritter Factory, I realized that I would need at least some kind of transportation, so I was actually going to be making a train (kind of like the original CotD), but then I realized it would only work for the Ritter Factory, so I then decided to re-add the teleporter room on a building that was originally just there for looks (specifically the right side of the building that's next to the burning... store? [I also decided to make a library on the bottom floor XD])
01/04/2017 8:08 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Oh, haha, it's hard to find a good teleporter location, eh? XD
01/04/2017 8:10 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Yeah, especially when that room is supposed to be a secret room of some kind (which is kind of not the case for the room I've chosen, but it's good enough XD)
01/05/2017 9:05 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Huh, did the creators of zombies also have problems finding good teleporter locations? XD
06/10/2017 4:21 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Sadly CotD is now cancelled
01/04/2017 1:08 am
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Ixol's Avatar
So this is why you have kind of been inactive for a while. Good job btw
01/04/2017 7:58 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Yeah, Christmas break and City of the Dead have really took my time away from making skins/blogs. Thanks!
01/04/2017 12:32 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Batman
taterman88's Avatar
I dont know anything about projects but i diamonded amyway
