Minecraft Maps / Minecart

City/Town Map 1.12.2

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Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
Whenever I'm doing role-plays, and I am too lazy to make my own map, I always go to planet Minecraft to find a town or city map perfect for my role-play. None have yet to come. Although my city is, for now, no where to being done I hope I will finish it by the end of 2019. I am not a professional builder, but if I were searching for a role-play town on planet Minecraft the map I'm building is what I would look for.

What I am hoping to make:
- A few roads
- Apartment buildings
- Grocery Store
- Park
- Suburbs
- Cafe/Restaurant
- Police Station
- Pool
- Small Neighboring Towns

*none of the interiors are decorated (This is what I prefer)
*1.12 or 1.13 (Most blocks are from 1.12)

Progress10% complete

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