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Nexareus_Arowwe's Avatar Nexareus_Arowwe
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
This map is difficult. Your survival skills will be truly put to the test. You are in a desert and food is very scarce. There is not a lot of usable dirt and you will need to use water efficiently. You will need to drink, fight, sleep, and struggle to stay alive. Death is not forgiving. Good luck, survivor. We hope you find rescue.

Map Info:

I don't like sand. Do you? It's rough and coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere. Your plane, under unknown circumstances, has crashed in the middle of a barren desert and everyone on board has perished. Everyone except for you (and your friends if you play multiplayer). To stay alive, keep an eye on basic necessities like water, food, shelter, and sleep. You (and your friends) decide to live and find rescue. Start with the plane and see if you can find a radio. Good luck!

[This is my first map I've done with a couple of friends. Thanks for your support!]

Rules and Guidelines (READ THESE PLEASE):
  • Go to sleep only when the sun is below the horizon!
  • Do not kill yourself to reset the water or food meter on purpose.
  • Open iron doors with levers found in the map (do not break down iron doors)
  • Do not climb over the larger sand dunes that act as the border to the map.
  • Play in survival mode and do not to spawn things in.
  • Changing game rules to fit playstyle is fine (keepInventory, mobGriefing, etc…)
  • Play on at least easy difficulty.
  • Play on Minecraft Version 1.10
  • Watch your thirst meter as not drinking water will lead to debuffs.
  • Neglecting sleep with having a negative side effect.
  • If you want a challenge set the gamerule keepInventory to false. [Default=on]
  • Death penalty: Dying 5 times gives you bad luck and dying 10 times give you bad luck and constant hunger. To reset your death counter, eat a golden apple. (Don't worry, you will find gold eventually).

Important Settings:
  • Set Render Distance to 13 for players (and the server if on multiplayer)
  • Enable command blocks in server.properties
  • Map was made to play with the John Smith Legacy Texture Pack: www.johnsmithlegacy.co.uk/index.php

  • Find some snacks and water bottles.
  • Find the radio.
  • Craft some tools.
  • Find a palm tree.
  • Start a farm with whatever seeds are available.
  • Find a way to boost the signal of the radio.
  • Find a generator and collect nine coal.
  • Find rescue.

Challenges to complete while waiting for rescue:
  • Tame a horse. [or Donkey]
  • Explore the desert to look for materials to complete the following challenges.
  • Start a fire.
  • Make cactus green dye.
  • Build your own base with some nice stained windows.
  • Craft an anvil.
  • Make a melon farm.
  • Make a potato farm.
  • Grow a giant mushroom.
  • Make some mushroom stew.
  • Refill the oasis near the abandoned village.
  • Catch a fish of any kind.
  • Catch a leather boot with the fishing rod.
  • Craft a map.
  • Build a barn near your base and breed an animal.
  • Find a diamond.
  • Build a jukebox.
  • Find a music disc to play.
  • Find gold.
  • Craft a clock.
  • Craft a golden apple.
  • Make a glistering melon.
  • Find some nether wart and blaze powder.
  • Craft a healing potion.
  • Craft a healing potion II. [You can find glowstone on the map!]
  • Visit the nether.
Texture Pack: johnsmithlegacy.co.uk
Progress100% complete

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08/29/2018 9:35 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
Draglorr's Avatar
i can't belive this map is already 2 years old... but why have you stopped updating it?

08/26/2016 7:56 am
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
Draglorr's Avatar
here is the link to tbhe youtuube video!!!!: LINK: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h70zgfvPOIk

Just So you know.. i am the ONLY 1 who chose to promote your map...)
08/21/2016 8:35 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
Draglorr's Avatar
Gonna make the first Youtube video to promote this cool map!!! (there are literally NONE others as im making this comment)Thought u'd like dat!!
08/22/2016 10:35 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Nexareus_Arowwe's Avatar
Cool! Send me a link when you've got your first video!
08/09/2016 3:42 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
Draglorr's Avatar
Looks awesome!!! Can't Wait to try!!! (=
08/09/2016 10:27 am
Level 1 : New Collective
matriushka's Avatar
Downloaded map, looks cool, but I start buried in sand and in creative mode. Should it be like this?
08/09/2016 2:09 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Nexareus_Arowwe's Avatar
Hey! You're right I think it's because we built the map on a server and you loaded it onto single player messing up the spawns a little. You need to spawn in the right place for the thirst meter to work. Teleport to these coordinates to get it to work: -265 68 34. In a single player world you need to open your world to lan in the options menu, then enable cheats. Then type in /tp @a -265 68 34 and you will be teleported to the right place.

Update: I fixed the map and now spawning in single player and multiplayer should work! Thanks for you help.
08/09/2016 4:49 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
matriushka's Avatar
Thx for answer, I'll check it now.

Edit: A suggestion- you could mention how thirst bar works (what can lower it's level and by how much etc.)
Edit2: Realised that water bottles reduce all.
08/08/2016 2:47 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Taco
DeliciousPancake's Avatar
Nice as first project, but where is the download link?
Map looks not bad.
08/08/2016 2:52 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Nexareus_Arowwe's Avatar
Whoops sorry updated!
