Published Oct 24th, 2011, 10/24/11 7:42 pm
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All the Farms used are my Design, Videos/Tutorials can be Found on my nChannel.This is the All in One Produce Farm ive been building towards with the nTowered Farms, This farm is Loaded wih Controls and Features, and produces nmassive amounts of Loot. Every Farm is Automatic with the exception of Planting nseeds for Wheat.
This is the Completed version of the farm.Each Farm ntower has its own Control Console to control the loot collection point, also neach farm is equiped with loot detection that will be displayed in the main nconsole. each unit is wired to an XOR gate, so both levers control one output nwithout disrupting the indicator torches. 2 levers one door. but in this case, 2 nlevers one collection point. the wheat farms core is a Conditional RS Nor Latch, nwhich keeps Track of the Wheats Stages of Growth. with this unit you have the nfeature to add subtract and reset the indicator torches, these also pass through nXOR gates, for the ability to have the control at 2 different consoles, without ninterfeering with eachother. the Cacti Farm is equiped with a Loot Elevator nusing Pistons.
There is also a Main Storage Facilty, and Windmill on the nLand. Farms include, 100% automatic Melon Farm, !00% Automatic Cacti Farm 100% nAutomatic Pumpkin Farm, 100% Automatic Sugar cane/Reed Farm, 100% Automatic nMushroom Farm, Wheat Tower of Power, with stage of growth nTracking.
important: when walking Towards the Main console, you should be nmoving along the Z axis... No Mods or Hacks needed to work.Main collections loot ngoes throught the sewer system flowing in water canals, on blocks of ice..
This is the Completed version of the farm.Each Farm ntower has its own Control Console to control the loot collection point, also neach farm is equiped with loot detection that will be displayed in the main nconsole. each unit is wired to an XOR gate, so both levers control one output nwithout disrupting the indicator torches. 2 levers one door. but in this case, 2 nlevers one collection point. the wheat farms core is a Conditional RS Nor Latch, nwhich keeps Track of the Wheats Stages of Growth. with this unit you have the nfeature to add subtract and reset the indicator torches, these also pass through nXOR gates, for the ability to have the control at 2 different consoles, without ninterfeering with eachother. the Cacti Farm is equiped with a Loot Elevator nusing Pistons.
There is also a Main Storage Facilty, and Windmill on the nLand. Farms include, 100% automatic Melon Farm, !00% Automatic Cacti Farm 100% nAutomatic Pumpkin Farm, 100% Automatic Sugar cane/Reed Farm, 100% Automatic nMushroom Farm, Wheat Tower of Power, with stage of growth nTracking.
important: when walking Towards the Main console, you should be nmoving along the Z axis... No Mods or Hacks needed to work.Main collections loot ngoes throught the sewer system flowing in water canals, on blocks of ice..
Progress | 100% complete |
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thx man
great work :)