Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Creative Wars! Original Mini-Game!

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BuildMineSurvive's Avatar BuildMineSurvive
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
Creative Wars! And Original 1.8 Mini-game By: BuildMineSurvive.

Creative Wars is a game where 2 teams, (red and blue) have 10 seconds to gather supplies. Such as: potions, diamonds, gold, wood, food, spawn eggs, TNT, etc.

What happens: when the start button is pressed, (this can only happen if there is at least 1 player on each team) a countdown starts, and depending on what team you are on, you will get teleported to an island sort of thing, where you are frozen in place, can’t break blocks, and then are put into creative mode for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds, all players will be put into survival mode and the battle will begin!

The 2 team islands are floating 1 block above water, and if you fall in, you will get wither 5 for as long as you are in the water.

The Goal: to kill all members of the opposite team. You need to get to the other team’s island by either blocking over with blocks, or using an ender pearl.

Extra in-game things:

1 of 9 random chests with random op loot will appear in the middle of the 2 islands. The items include things like: sharpness 10 swords, protection 10 diamond armor, power 10 bows, knockback 10 sticks, and diamond blocks, iron blocks, etc. fight it out to get at the chest.


Anticheat: command blocks Prevent players to cheat by getting unbreakable blocks, notch apples, etc.

Spectating: allows any player to spectate. If they have died or are just not playing. In-game players cannot spectate.

Walk-In teams: just walk over to the color wool of the team you want to join, and you will instantly be added to that team, then be put back in the middle of the lobby.

Complete Full Reset after Game: After a game had ended, a series of command blocks will remove ALL blocks and entities, then replace back the islands, trees, and all the blocks that were there before.

Thanks for Playing! Make Sure to leave any feedback for future changes!
Progress100% complete

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