Minecraft Maps / Music

Compose Music In Minecraft!

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Level 32 : Artisan Miner
So. You want to compose some music? in minecraft? well NOW YOU CAN!

all you need to do is simply place the notes along the Piano grid, and the map will play the notes in whatever melody you created!

This map comes with 2 Preset songs! just look in the book and apply it!

Make SURE to use Minecraft 1.10.2!!


-> 15 Save Slots

-> Super High Quality Sounds

-> Long Notes And Short Notes

-> Preset Songs

-> Easy use Via the control panel book

-> Simple redstone. (less lag)

-> Start Music from any part of the track by dropping the book on any of the lines.

-> hear what note you are standing on by dropping a note block in your hotbar.

-> 5 Drum Sounds including bass drum, snare, hihat closed, hihat, and crash.

And more to come!

So i hope you all enjoy learning music, and making music!

any features that you want added? simple leave a comment below, and it may just happen!
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by BuildMineSurvive 07/30/2016 4:27:45 pmJul 30th, 2016

Version 2.0 MASSIVE Update.
Features Added:

* Expanded Save Slots To 15.
* Added a feature to play what note you are standing on when you drop any item other then the book.
* Start the music from any line by dropping the book on any line.
* Added brass sound.
* Added Drums
* Added star spangled banner to default song list.
* Added Second track so songs can be twice as long
* Improved note sound quality.
* Added Multiplayer support.

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03/10/2017 3:41 pm
Level 1 : New Network
BuildMineSurvive may i DM you please? Thanks!
08/01/2016 3:54 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
Excellent Work! Found a few bugs though:

• > Added star spangled banner to default song list.
Patriotism much? Also, the places where the melody has an F-sharp were replaced with Fs. It's also worth mentioning that the entire song is 2 semitones too high.

• Cloning in the default songs doesn't work properly; the old default song is not completely overwritten. This is best demonstrated when loading "twinkle twinkle" when the Star-spangled banner is already loaded. You end up with "Twinkle twinkle spangled banner"

• May or may not be intentional, but dropping a note always plays in the piano timbre. Also, I am slightly confused about why that feature in general is useful.
08/06/2016 1:53 am
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
to answer everything:
1: you are right i will fix that.
2: i'll make it so the board is cleared before a song is pasted in.
3: dropping the notes to hear what one you are standing on is something i thought would be useful when composing new music. it's the piano no matter which one you drop, because it would take a bunch more grinding work to make each note you drop have it's own sound. (lazy i know :P)

thanks for your feedback i hope you enjoy my map!
08/06/2016 8:27 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Crafter
>it's the piano no matter which one you drop, because it would take a bunch more grinding work to make each note you drop have it's own sound. (lazy i know :P)

Makes sense. Also would be more laggy.

Im still not sure how it would help composing.
07/30/2016 6:22 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Is it possible to play both sides at the same time?
08/06/2016 1:49 am
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
it's not meantt to be, so as of now there is no feature to do that. i may add it.
08/07/2016 9:55 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Oh, and, um, no offense, but, um, well, the piano scale is backwards XD. It's supposed to get lower the further to the left it gets. However, other than that, this is an EPIC pianoi. I tried it out, and it's awesome.
07/15/2016 4:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
i love this map :)
05/12/2016 11:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I would like to see a Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement in this. It would be amazing.
05/01/2016 3:30 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
I really would like to use this, but the world is missing a large part and most of the command blocks needed, I have tried downloading it a second time, but it has the same thing. I really hope this can be fixed soon.
