Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

curse of the black pearl adventure map first in minecraft

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Level 43 : Master Miner
hello guys i made an adventure map of pirates of the caribbean and its my first adventure map its only for 1 player well anyways dowload this map please and next map will be dead mans chest and to play my map u must play it on hard mode if your playing on peaceful change to hard and redowload the map have a nice adventure :)
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08/05/2016 11:21 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
how do i get xp on dis site
01/02/2015 12:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Will the map work on 1.7.10?
01/02/2015 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I tried it on 1.7.10 and it worked, so ignore the first question.
By the way, I tried the map, and it really could be better. I know, that there weren't lot of commands available back then, but could You at least use bit of grammar? I was shocked, when I joined the map first time. And I have few other things to say :
1. The grammar. I know that I say it AGAIN, but it's just terrible.
2. The map. I think You made in like 10 minutes, and the map looks awful. You could maybe work on it a little    more. Seriously.
3. The map AGAIN. The boat part is lame, Black pearl assault should be better at all. You just run on the other side and that's all. On the island part, You should find way out of there,explore underground cellar and stuff, that's what I've expected, and THIS IS WHAT I'VE GOT?!! I just have to take some stuff, and walk on the pressure plate?!!! That really sucks man.
4.The grammar AGAIN AGAIN. You wrote, that you didn't know about how to spell rum. Seriously, it's right below this comment, look! You could just easily ask someone, or use translator, or something else. When you say : ,,I didn't know, how to spell it!", I can say just one thing : That's a really lazy excuse.
5.Gameplay. I finished this map in literally 1 MINUTE AND 37 SECONDS! That's super lazy excuse for a map!

And that's the most of the things I don't like on this map. Only the most, not all of them!
07/04/2019 11:06 pm
He/Him • Level 43 : Master Enchanter Ninja
WHAT AN ATTACK🔫🗡️⚔️🛡️🏹💉!
01/02/2015 12:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
And the NONSTOP DAYTIME CHANGING IS REALLY ANNOYING! You could just count 10 minutes on repeaters, not 1 second!
12/30/2012 6:54 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
it keeps changing the time of day. and it is spelled rum not rome
12/30/2012 8:51 am
Level 43 : Master Miner
i made day becouse its anoying when night comes srry and sorry i didnt know how to spell rum in english
