Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Cyberpunk City

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Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Our technology may have gotten better, be we sure as hell haven't. In this city the right data file's worth a lot more than a human life, and anything - everything - can be bought for the right price. They say The Government © used to exist to protect us - well, now it's staffed entirely by amoral killers-for-hire, in stiff competition with a dozen other rent-a-spy corps, information extraction services and assassination providers. Well, maybe not all that much has changed... The rich keep getting richer and the rest of us, well, don't. There's good money in hacking, if you've got the smarts, the guts and the requisite disregard for privacy, or you could always sell yourself on the streets or to some pharmacorp. Professional thugging's big business too, but that can be a hard market to break into, depending on your comfort level with breaking kneecaps. If that doesn't sound too great, hey, there's always new slums popping up...

This development sounds like it could be a new start, though. DeveleCon bought up all the wilderness to the southeast of the City and they're not wasting any time getting it built up. There's a boozhy new development  right on the coast, all neon and glass - I think the suits are going for some kind of Tokyo vibe. There's a lot of Russian and Chinese money being thrown at that place, though, so I'd watch my step around there - those Novye Russkie guys'll dump you in the bay for walking too confident down the street. And of course there's another slum up north. Apparently it was some kind of housing project abandoned back in the teens, but the builders need a place to stay, so now it's theirs. Those PLA Faction guys have some kind of pirate radio station there and they're working with the triads too, so I'd keep my head down if I had to visit. But on the other hand the suits haven't been able to tear it down, 'cause the mob has the best snipers in the world on their payroll, and they haven't gotten a Government © permit yet to carpet bomb the place, so for now it's sticking around. I hear they pay big money for data over there, so you might want to check it out. I also heard those Ocean Corps clowns - you know, the alien cult that dresses up like the navy or something? - I heard they're drifting by there too. For a bunch of brainwashed morons they sure got lots of cash. Maybe they'll hire you.

Lots to see. Lots of opportunities...
Progress5% complete

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06/27/2014 7:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
why doesn't the download not work?
06/27/2014 3:41 am
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Love all punk themes, this is quite nice. Maybe you like to see my Asian and Persian themed Punk styles?
I have them on my server hub.gooftroopmc.net. We also have Nether punk theme. There more spin-offs to the punk scene.

Want to try Bio-punk mixed with cyberpunk.
read this page for fun if you like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberpunk_derivatives
06/26/2014 9:37 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
06/26/2014 5:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
06/26/2014 4:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
This city is amazing! I can't believe what you've built here and I hope you continue to build awesomeness!
06/26/2014 2:16 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
You should feel very proud of what you've built here.

The architecture is cool, but the various signs and advertisements make your city look so alive. I also love the worldbuilding and story bits throughout it.

Well done!
06/26/2014 1:44 pm
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Wow, really good city, I'm looking foward for the finished project ^^
Nice story as well, you really did a good job on that as well.
X Craft
06/26/2014 7:18 am
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
great city!
06/26/2014 7:08 am
Level 41 : Master Ninja
I've downloaded your city and have to say, very amazing work. Hal 9000 was very unexpected but nice :)
good to see some more Cyberpunk on pmc
06/25/2014 11:46 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Nerd
Seems kind of a dreary town, what with all the rain and all, but it looks well made! Last diamond I can give you for now!
